
NodeJS script to download missing thumbnails for retroarch games using Duck Duck Go

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Script to downloads all missing images for a playlist on Retroarch


node main.js

node main.js "$HOME/.config/retroarch/playlists/SNK - Neo Geo.lpl" "$HOME/thumbnails/SNK - Neo Geo/Named_Snaps"

How it works

The script reads the playlist file, and checks the game titles in there, then it dowloads asynchronously a screenshot image from duck duck go, and saves it into the thumbnail folder specified in the argument

Convert jpg to png

There is another bash script that converts all .jpg images (not supported by retroarch) into .png.

Requires imagemagick binaries to work


  • Filter image on DDG based on the platform (tetris is not the same on all platforms)
  • Integrate jpg-png conversion in nodejs