
Django REST app to manage task and notify via Zapier webhooks.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Task management REST API template

This REST API powered by Django REST allows users to create, update and list tasks on a simple TODO manager app.

When a task is created, there will be a POST request to Zapier that will trigger a Slack notification

Libraries and frameworks:

  • Python 3.7
  • Django REST framework 3.9.0


  • GET /task list all tasks
  • GET /task/[id] get task by id
  • POST /task create new task
  • PUT /task/[id] update an existing task
  • DELETE /task/[id]

Extra endpoints for monitoring, useful when implementing a complex microservice stack:

  • GET / return status and name of the app
  • GET /ping pong


  • Full REST API on Django REST
  • Database migrations
  • Status endpoints
  • Postgres database on docker when running server
  • Swagger doc

  • Django admin

  • Friendly Django REST interface on the browser

Project structure

This is the structure of the modules in the project, it follows the standard Django REST file naming, based on the model-view-controller pattern.

Things to do next

This is a list of this that should be done before moving to a full environment.

  • Add security to API (uses profiles, access token, private network...)
  • Version API
  • Add error reporting system (eg: Sentry)
  • continuous integration / continuous deploy
  • BDD

Run the server

First add the webhook URL from Zapier into settings.py

Before running the server, you will need to be running a postgres instance with a todo database, you can run it on your machine using docker with

dc run --service-ports todo


docker-compose run todo python manage.py test

Sample usage: create a task

PK id UUID is generated automatically

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/task -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'{ "title":"Sample task" }'

A notification will arrive Slack