Arduino code to read proximity from 2 infrared sensors, drive 2 electromagnets and animate a ferrofluid sculpture.
Ferrofluid sculptures
- Ferrofluids + 2 electromagnets + IR proximity sensors + Arduino.
- 10cm * 1cm screws, smoothed edges.
- 4-layer coil, 60 turns per layer. Insulated copper wire (1mm / 2.8 Amps).
- 12V / 2Amps DC supply from an IDE-to-USB adaptor.
- Magnetic field shall be strong at the top, its gradient pulls the fluid up.
- Tight wiring to canalize it though the screw.
- First 2 layers are the most important ones. Top loops must be as close as possible to the fluid.
Power control
- Arduino's Pulse Width Modulation (500Hz, max ratio = 10% to stay < 2.5A).
- R3 motorshield or optocoupler + low Rds(on) MOSFET.
- Last version : ferro3states2FerrosMotorShieldNoSin.ino
- Edited on
- DC supply directly wired to one electromagnet with a 5 Ohms power resistor
- ON/OFF switch + 5 Ohm power resistor => 2 Amps.
- Need a 'power' resistor dissipating 24W. It gets hot.
- Arduino with home made PWM power board (optocouplers and MOSFET)
- Removed the hot resistor and added spikes modulation.
- Power is controlled via Pulse Width Modulation (alpha max = 10% to stay below 2.5A)
- With analogwrite (500Hz) + optocoupler + a low Rds(on) MOSFET.
- Field strength is controlled by hand proximity (IR sensor).
- Addition of a second electromagnet
- Using a motorshield to be able to inverse polarities
- Magnetic fields are difficult to generate and canalize.
- Better start with a small screw and and a simple design.
- Make a tight, clean wiring.
- First 2 layers are the most important ones.
- Use glue to fix layers.
- Do not damage wires with sharp edges or with the glue.
- Wire loops must be very close to the ferrofluid.