
Run and record Playwright tests with Replay

MIT LicenseMIT


Record your Playwright tests with Replay and automatically upload replays of failed tests.

Use with @replayio/playwright


Using action-playwright in your GitHub Actions workflow is the easiest way to get started recording your Playwright tests in CI. The action:

  • Ensures Replay Browsers are installed on the CI machine
  • Runs your tests with the browser set for a given project
  • Uploads replays from the test run to the team associated with the given API key
  • Comments on the initiating pull request with links to the test run and replays


First, add replayio/playwright and configure using instructions in the Recording Automated Tests guide.


  1. Log into app.replay.io
  2. Create a Team API key (Personal API keys can be used, but have a limit of 10 recordings)
  3. Store the API key as a GitHub Repository Secret named RECORD_REPLAY_API_KEY
  4. Add the configuration below to your existing workflow (or start a new one with the complete example below)
  5. Install the Replay GitHub App to add comments to your Pull Requests with links to replays of your tests
- uses: replayio/action-playwright@v0.7.0
    api-key: ${{ secrets.RECORD_REPLAY_API_KEY }}
    project: replay-firefox


Required Name Description Default
api-key The Replay API Key used to upload recordings
  project The @playwright/test project to run
  public When true, make replays public on upload false
  command The command to run your playwright tests npx playwright test
  working-directory The relative working directory for the app .
  upload-all Upload all recordings instead of only recordings of failed tests false

Note: This action appends arguments to your command to configure a custom reporter. If you're using a command like npm to run playwright test, you may need to include -- at the end to allow those arguments to pass to Playwright.

Complete Workflow Example

# .github/workflow/ci.yml
name: Playwright Tests

    name: Playwright tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1
        # with:
        #   working-directory: .
      - uses: replayio/action-playwright@v0.7.0
          # An optional command to run your tests.
          command: npx playwright test
          # When true, replays will be accessible to anyone with the link.
          # This is useful for open source projects that want to collaborate
          # with external users.
          public: true
          # The `@playwright/test` project to use. This should point to a project
          # that uses a Replay runtime.
          project: replay-firefox
          # An API key (usually a Team API Key) to use to upload replays.
          # Configure this via GitHub repo settings.
          api-key: ${{ secrets.RECORD_REPLAY_API_KEY }}
          # An optional working directory which is useful if the project being
          # tested resides in a subdirectory of the repository
          working-directory: .