
📦 Metadata for all the public models on Replicate, bundled up into an npm package.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Metadata for all1 the public models on Replicate, bundled up into an npm package.


npm install all-the-public-replicate-models

Usage (as a library)

Full-bodied usage (all the metadata, ~17MB)

import models from 'all-the-public-replicate-models'


Lite usage (just the basic metadata, ~375K):

import models from 'all-the-public-replicate-models/lite'


Find the top 10 models by run count:

import models from 'all-the-public-replicate-models'
import {chain} from 'lodash-es'

const mostRun = chain(models).orderBy('run_count', 'desc').take(10).value()

Usage (as a CLI)

The CLI dumps the model metadata to standard output as a big JSON object:

$ npx all-the-public-replicate-models

The output will be:


You can use jq to filter the output. Here's an example that finds all the whisper models and sorts them by run count:

npx all-the-public-replicate-models | jq -r 'map(select(.name | contains("whisper"))) | sort_by(.run_count) | reverse | .[] | "\(.url) \(.run_count)"'

Or you can dump all the model data to a file:

npx all-the-public-replicate-models > models.json


  1. Technically it's not all the models, but every model that is public, has at least one published version, and has at least one example prediction. ↩