
Python SWD Debugging library for ST-Link/V2

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Is a python module for debugging microcontrollers with SWD using ST-Link/V2 (/V2-1) debugger.

This package also contain small command line tool.


Is to create python module for access debugging interface on MCU with SWD interface.

Main purpose of python module is to create automated functional and hardware tests from simple python scripts and without special firmware for microcontroller.



PYSWD will work on Linux, Mac and Windows.


Python 3.4+ (Development is under python 3.6)


  • pyusb - is installed automatically as dependency with pip
  • libusb


from downloaded sources

pip3 install .

reinstall (upgrade):

pip3 install --upgrade .


pip3 uninstall pyswd

Python SWD module


swd.Swd(swd_frequency=1800000, logger=None)


  • swd_frequency: SWD communication frequency
  • logger: logging interface (optional)
>>> import swd
>>> dev = swd.Swd()

ST-Link version

property with ST-Link version


instance of StlinkVersion

>>> dev.version.str
'ST-Link/V2 V2J27S6'

Target voltage

Get target voltage measured by ST-Link


float target voltage in volts

>>> dev.get_target_voltage()

ID code

Get MCU ID code


32bit unsigned with ID code

>>> hex(dev.get_idcode())

Get memory register



  • address: address in memory, must be aligned to 32bits


32bit unsigned data from memory

>>> hex(dev.get_mem32(0x08000000))

Set memory register

set_mem32(address, data)


  • address: address in memory, must be aligned to 32bits
  • data: 32bit unsigned data
>>> dev.set_mem32(0x20000200, 0x12345678)
>>> hex(dev.get_mem32(0x20000200))

Read memory

read_mem(address, size)


  • address: address in memory
  • size: number of bytes to read from memory


iterable of read data

>>> data = dev.read_mem(0x08000000, 16)
>>> ' '.join(['%02x' % d for d in data])
'00 10 00 20 45 00 00 08 41 00 00 08 41 00 00 08'

Write memory

write_mem(address, data)


  • address: address in memory
  • data: list or iterable of bytes whic will be stored into memory
>>> dev.write_mem(0x20000100, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15])
>>> data = dev.read_mem(0x20000100, 15)
>>> ' '.join(['%02x' % d for d in data])
'01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f'

Fill memory

write_mem(address, pattern, size)


  • address: address in memory
  • pattern: list or iterable of bytes whic will be stored into memory
  • size: number of bytes to fill memory
>>> dev.fill_mem(0x20000300, [5, 6, 7], 20)
>>> data = dev.read_mem(0x20000300, 20)
>>> ' '.join(['%02x' % d for d in data])
'05 06 07 05 06 07 05 06 07 05 06 07 05 06 07 05 06 07 05 06'

Read core register

get_reg(register) On CortexM platform this will work only if program is halted


  • register: is numeric coded register (e.g. 0: R0, 1: R1, ...)


32bit unsigned data

>>> hex(dev.get_reg(1))

Write core register

get_reg(register) On CortexM platform this will work only if program is halted


  • register: is numeric coded register (e.g. 0: R0, 1: R1, ...)
  • data: 32bit unsigned data
>>> hex(dev.get_reg(1))

Python application

Simple tool for access MCU debugging features from command line. Is installed together with python module.

$ pyswd --help


pyswd [-h] [-V] [-q] [-d] [-i] [-v] [-f FREQ] [action [action ...]]

positional arguments:

action                actions will be processed sequentially

Optional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-V, --version         show program's version number and exit
-q, --quite           quite output
-d, --debug           increase debug output
-i, --info            increase info output
-v, --verbose         increase verbose output
-f FREQ, --freq FREQ  set SWD frequency

List of available actions:

  dump8:{addr}[:{size}]     print content of memory 8 bit register or dump
  dump16:{addr}[:{size}]    print content of memory 16 bit register or dump
  dump32:{addr}[:{size}]    print content of memory 32 bit register or dump
  dump:{addr}[:{size}]      print content of memory 32 bit register or 8 bit dump

  set8:{addr}:{data}[:{data}..]     set 8 bit memory
  set16:{addr}:{data}[:{data}..]    set 16 bit memory
  set32:{addr}:{data}[:{data}..]    set 32 bit memory
  set:{addr}:{data}[:{data}..]      set 32 bit memory register or 8 bit memory area

  fill8:{addr}:{size}:{pattern}     fill memory with 8 bit pattern

  sleep:{seconds}           sleep (float) - insert delay between commands

(numerical values can be in different formats, like: 42, 0x2a, 0o52, 0b101010, 32K, 1M, ..)


Whole project is under MIT license