
Add TestClass node to report tree

maksim-shila opened this issue · 2 comments

With agent-java-testNG I could only get tree as predefined in xml suite

    <listener class-name="com.epam.reportportal.testng.ReportPortalTestNGListener"/>

<test name="Tests group">
        <class name="com.bla.TestTest"/>
        <class name="com.bla.BlaBlaClass"/>
        <class name="com.bla.GreatTest"/>

So I'll got report tree

  • Launch Name
    -- Super Suite
    --- Tests Group
    ----- some test from some class
    ----- some another test from some class

Is there good way to see class names as tree nodes?
I didn't find any possibility to resolve this with extending TestNgService and creating custom listener
Maybe there is plans to do that?

@MaksimShilaS there is no such plans, this is the way how TestNG works.

@MaksimShilaS I'm closing this out. If you have any straight implementation which does not break current behaviour I can consider it in a pull request from you.