- 2
My test executions are not syncing to ReportPortal UI
#214 opened by Bshaik - 8
Logs from TestNG DataProvider methods are captured and associated with the corresponding test in ReportPortal.
#202 opened by akshayamaldhure - 1
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Logs duplicated when run tests in parallel
#206 opened by daroshchanka - 17
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/epam/reportportal/utils/MemoizingSupplier while running the tests
#201 opened by vinnus8660 - 1
Any way to integrate with gradle?
#193 opened by salmansrabon - 1
Test is reported as interrupted when testng "SkipException" is thrown in the BeforeClass method
#195 opened by idan-marciano-jfrog - 1
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Can anyone please provide me details of how to deploy this report portal on cloud? Any documentation we have around this?
#190 opened by php-del - 5
Getting Cannot instantiate class com.epam.reportportal.testng.ReportPortalTestNGListener
#189 opened by php-del - 6
com.epam.reportportal.exception.InternalReportPortalClientException: Wait for Launch start timed out
#186 opened by bhagyaISS - 4
[ERROR] Cannot instantiate class com.epam.reportportal.testng.ReportPortalTestNGListener
#184 opened by gargsachin13 - 2
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Get Launch ID programmatically
#180 opened by ASaiAnudeep - 5
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Getting error [ERROR] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: okhttp3.HttpUrl.get(Ljava/lang/String;)Lokhttp3/HttpUrl;
#173 opened by mohitb01 - 1
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io.reactivex.exceptions.UndeliverableException from com.epam.reportportal.service.LaunchImpl
#167 opened by 7vga - 1
Google Analytics Connection Error
#166 opened by vrakr19 - 1
[ERROR] bad class file: /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/com/epam/reportportal/commons-model/5.1.0/commons-model-5.1.0.jar(com/epam/ta/reportportal/ws/model/FinishExecutionRQ.class)
#164 opened by lavanyach-sailo - 1
Access denied for bintray
#163 opened by vrakr19 - 3
Failed Test cases screenshot
#162 opened by GopalSawant - 4
Test owner and groups to test cases
#157 opened by mchundi - 2
Data provider test does not show multiple runs
#156 opened by mchundi - 1
Skipped test method has defect type select option when @BeforeClass configuration fails
#153 opened by alex-i-rybkin - 1
Wrong RP launch structure
#151 opened by tronstone - 1
Reportportal: Getting error for java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/epam/reportportal/service/tree/TestItemTree while using with selenium + maven + testng
#152 opened by Mandeepsheoran - 8
#150 opened by Ngaur - 8
[v5bug] agent-java-testng-5.0.1 Getting Exception while creating Launch for second testng xml
#130 opened by sushovan-mca - 1
While running TestNG in eclipse, it opens dialog box with below error. "An internal error occurred during: Launching testfile".java
#146 opened by chavansatish - 2
text not getting logged in report when logging is performing from another thread apart from testNG
#148 opened by ERankur91-zz - 2
Add TestClass node to report tree
#145 opened by maksim-shila - 7
Selenium Grid Execution with Report Portal
#142 opened by vaibhavshukl12 - 7
Receiving an error saying "There was an error in the forked process" while integrating RP with Selenium+TestNG+Maven test framework
#140 opened by Seshadri1993 - 13
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V5_Could not find artifact org.aspectj:aspectjrt:pom:1.9.2 in selenium-repo ( for report
#139 opened by pprraashant - 1
ReportPortal TestNg java is not finishing the launch in case of TestNG process interuption
#110 opened by the-octopus - 2
allow retry for configuration methods
#112 opened by yoavgeva - 7
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[v5]agent-java-testng - ItemID should not be null (Test item is not getting created)
#93 opened by arunkumar-muthusamy - 9
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Nested Steps. NPE on handling null-vallued method arguments by StepAspect
#98 opened by alex-i-rybkin