
Agent to integrate NightwatchJS with ReportPortal.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Agent to integrate NightwatchJS with ReportPortal.


Install the agent in your project:

npm install --save-dev @reportportal/agent-js-nightwatch


Create rp.json file with reportportal configuration:

    "token": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "endpoint": "https://your.reportportal.server/api/v1",
    "project": "YourReportPortalProjectName",
    "launch": "YourLauncherName",
    "attributes": [
            "key": "YourKey",
            "value": "YourValue"
            "value": "YourValue"
    "description": "Your launch description",
    "rerun": true,
    "rerunOf": "launchUuid of already existed launch",
    "mode": "DEFAULT",
    "debug": false,
    "parallelRun": true
Parameter Description
token User's Report Portal token from which you want to send requests. It can be found on the profile page of this user.
endpoint URL of your server. For example 'https://server:8080/api/v1'.
launch Name of launch at creation.
project The name of the project in which the launches will be created.
rerun Default: false. Enable rerun
rerunOf UUID of launch you want to rerun. If not specified, report portal will update the latest launch with the same name
mode Launch mode. Allowable values DEFAULT (by default) or DEBUG.
debug This flag allows seeing the logs of the client-javascript. Useful for debugging.
parallelRun Default: false. Indicates if tests running in parallel (uses for post-factum-reporter)


This agent supports two types of reporting:

  • Post-factum reporting
  • Real-time reporting

Post-factum reporting

This reporter sends results of test executions to Report Portal when all tests have been finished.

  1. Create reporter.js file with code like:

    const { PostFactumReporter } = require('@reportportal/agent-js-nightwatch');
    const config = require('./rp.json');
    const reporter = new PostFactumReporter(config);
    module.exports = {
        write : (results, options, done) => {
          return reporter.startReporting(results, done);
  2. Create the nightwatch.conf.js configuration file.

  3. Run your tests with --config and --reporter options specified:

    nightwatch --config ./nightwatch.conf.js --reporter ./reporter.js

Real-time reporting

This reporter sends results of test executions to Report Portal during tests run.

Since Nightwatch does not initially support real-time test report results, this approach requires a bit more preparation.

Since tests in nightwatch can be run sequentially or in parallel, each of the execution methods requires its own small preparation steps.

Each run type supports the Reporting API to use it directly in tests.

Default run

  1. Create the nightwatch.conf.js configuration file.

  2. Create the reporter instance like:

    const { RealTimeReporter, ReportingAPI } = require('@reportportal/agent-js-nightwatch');
    const config = require('./rp.json');
    const rpReporter = new RealTimeReporter(config);
  3. Add global before and after hook handlers:
    Start and finish launch here.
    Also to use Reporting API it must be initialized in before hook and destroyed in after hook.

    module.exports = {
       // ...your config,
       globals: {
          before: function (done) {
             const launchParams = { // launch params from rp.json can be overwritten here
                 description: 'Awesome launch',
                 attributes: [{ key: 'status', value: 'passed' }],
          after: function (done) {
  4. Now you able to use agent API in tests to report results in real time (see the API reference).
    No other preparations are required from the test definitions.

Parallel run

  1. Create the nightwatch.conf.js configuration file.

  2. Add global before and after hook handlers:
    Start and finish launch here.
    Also you create rpReporter instance inside the before hook body, because the reporter must be created ONLY ONCE for the main process.

    const { RealTimeReporter } = require('@reportportal/agent-js-nightwatch');
    const config = require('./rp.json');
    let rpReporter;
    module.exports = {
       // ...your config,
       globals: {
          before: function (done) {
             rpReporter = new RealTimeReporter(config);
             const launchParams = { // launch params from rp.json can be overwritten here
                 description: 'Awesome launch',
                 attributes: [{ key: 'status', value: 'passed' }],
          after: function (done) {
  3. To start using the Reporting API in tests, you must initialize and destroy the API in EACH test suite:

    const { ReportingAPI } = require('@reportportal/agent-js-nightwatch');
    describe('Suite name', function() {
      after((browser, done) => {
        browser.end(() => {
  4. Now you able to use agent API in tests to report results in real time (see the API reference).

Reporting API

Items&hooks reporting

The API provide methods for starting and finishing test items and hooks.


where suiteStartObj = { name: string, attributes: Array<Attribute>, description: string }
required: name

describe('Suite name', function() {
  before((browser, done) => {
    const suiteStartObj = {
      name: 'Suite name',
      attributes: [{ key: 'suite', value: 'any' }],
      description: 'Suite description',

required: suiteName

describe('Suite name', function() {
  after((browser, done) => {
      ReportingAPI.finishSuite('Suite name');
      browser.end(() => {

ReportingAPI.startTestCase(currentTest, parentName);
where currentTest = browser.currentTest object
required: currentTest
parentName required only for parallel run

describe('Suite name', function() {
  beforeEach((browser) => {
      ReportingAPI.startTestCase(browser.currentTest, 'Suite name');

where currentTest = browser.currentTest object
required: currentTest

describe('Suite name', function() {
  afterEach((browser) => {
startBeforeSuite, finishBeforeSuite

where data = { name: string, status: string, attributes: Array<Attribute>, description: string }
where status must be one of the following: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn

describe('Suite name', function() {
  before((browser, done) => {
    // beforeSuite related actions

    ReportingAPI.startSuite({ name: 'Suite name' });
startAfterSuite, finishAfterSuite

where data = { name: string, status: string, attributes: Array<Attribute>, description: string }
where status must be one of the following: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn

describe('Suite name', function() {
  after((browser, done) => {
    ReportingAPI.finishSuite('Suite name');
    // afterSuite related actions
    browser.end(() => {
startBeforeTestCase, finishBeforeTestCase

required: parentName
where data = { name: string, status: string, attributes: Array<Attribute>, description: string }
where status must be one of the following: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn

describe('Suite name', function() {
  beforeEach((browser) => {
    ReportingAPI.startBeforeTestCase('Suite name');
    // beforeEach related actions
    ReportingAPI.startTestCase(browser.currentTest, 'Suite name');
startAfterTestCase, finishAfterTestCase

required: parentName
where data = { name: string, status: string, attributes: Array<Attribute>, description: string }
where status must be one of the following: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn

describe('Suite name', function() {
  afterEach((browser) => {
    ReportingAPI.startAfterTestCase('Suite name');
    // afterEach related actions
Data attaching

The API provide methods for attaching data (logs, attributes, description, testCaseId, status).


Add attributes(tags) to the current test or for provided by name. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
ReportingAPI.addAttributes(attributes: Array<Attribute>, itemName?: string);
required: attributes
itemName required only for parallel run

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function() {
    ReportingAPI.addAttributes([{ key: 'check', value: 'success' }]);

Append text description to the current test or for provided by name. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
ReportingAPI.addDescription(text: string, itemName?: string);
required: text
itemName required only for parallel run

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function() {
    ReportingAPI.addDescription('Item description');

Set test case id to the current test or for provided by name. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
ReportingAPI.setTestCaseId(id: string, itemName?: string);
required: id
itemName required only for parallel run
If testCaseId not specified, it will be generated automatically.

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function() {

Send logs to report portal for the current test or for provided by name. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
ReportingAPI.log(level: LOG_LEVELS, message: string, file?: Attachment, itemName?: string);
required: level, message
itemName required only for parallel run
where level can be one of the following: TRACE, DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, FATAL

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function() {
    const attachment = {
      name: 'Cities',
      type: FILE_TYPES.JSON,
      content: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../data', 'cities.json')),

    ReportingAPI.log('INFO', 'Log with attachment', attachment);
logInfo, logDebug, logWarn, logError, logTrace, logFatal

Send logs with corresponding level to report portal for the current test or for provided by name. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
ReportingAPI.logInfo(message: string, file?: Attachment, itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.logDebug(message: string, file?: Attachment, itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.logWarn(message: string, file?: Attachment, itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.logError(message: string, file?: Attachment, itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.logTrace(message: string, file?: Attachment, itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.logFatal(message: string, file?: Attachment, itemName?: string);
required: message
itemName required only for parallel run

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function() {
    ReportingAPI.logInfo('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.logDebug('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.logWarn('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.logError('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.logTrace('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.logFatal('Log message');

Send logs to report portal for the current launch. Should be called inside of the any test.
ReportingAPI.launchLog(level: LOG_LEVELS, message: string, file?: Attachment);
required: level, message
where level can be one of the following: TRACE, DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, FATAL

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function() {
    const attachment = {
      name: 'Cities',
      type: FILE_TYPES.JSON,
      content: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../data', 'cities.json')),

    ReportingAPI.launchLog('INFO', 'Log with attachment for launch', attachment);
launchLogInfo, launchLogDebug, launchLogWarn, launchLogError, launchLogTrace, launchLogFatal

Send logs with corresponding level to report portal for the current launch. Should be called inside of the any test.
ReportingAPI.launchLogInfo(message: string, file?: Attachment);
ReportingAPI.launchLogDebug(message: string, file?: Attachment);
ReportingAPI.launchLogWarn(message: string, file?: Attachment);
ReportingAPI.launchLogError(message: string, file?: Attachment);
ReportingAPI.launchLogTrace(message: string, file?: Attachment);
ReportingAPI.launchLogFatal(message: string, file?: Attachment);
required: message

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function() {
    ReportingAPI.launchLogInfo('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.launchLogDebug('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.launchLogWarn('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.launchLogError('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.launchLogTrace('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.launchLogFatal('Log message');

Assign corresponding status to the current test item or for provided by name.
ReportingAPI.setStatus(status: string, itemName?: string);
required: status
itemName required only for parallel run
where status must be one of the following: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function(browser) {
    ReportingAPI.setStatus('passed', browser.currentTest.name);
setStatusFailed, setStatusPassed, setStatusSkipped, setStatusStopped, setStatusInterrupted, setStatusCancelled, setStatusInfo, setStatusWarn

Assign corresponding status to the current test item or for provided by name.
ReportingAPI.setStatusFailed(itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.setStatusPassed(itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.setStatusSkipped(itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.setStatusStopped(itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.setStatusInterrupted(itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.setStatusCancelled(itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.setStatusInfo(itemName?: string);
ReportingAPI.setStatusWarn(itemName?: string);
required: message
itemName required only for parallel run

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function() {
    ReportingAPI.setStatusFailed('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.setStatusPassed('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.setStatusSkipped('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.setStatusStopped('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.setStatusInterrupted('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.setStatusCancelled('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.setStatusInfo('Log message');
    ReportingAPI.setStatusWarn('Log message');

ReportPortal custom commands

Do not forget to specify custom commands path in your nightwatch.conf.js file:

module.exports = {
   // ...your config,
   custom_commands_path: ['./node_modules/@reportportal/agent-js-nightwatch/build/commands'],

Send log with corresponding level to report portal for the current test or for provided by name. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
browser.rpLog(message: string, level: string, itemName?: string);
required: message, level = 'INFO'
itemName required only for parallel run
where level can be one of the following: TRACE, DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, FATAL

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function(browser) {
      .rpLog('Log message')

Send log with screenshot attachment with provided name to report portal for the current test or for provided by name. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
browser.rpSaveScreenshot(fileName: string, itemName?: string, callback?: function);
required: fileName
itemName required only for parallel run

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function(browser) {

Send log with screenshot attachment to report portal for the current test or for provided by name. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
browser.rpScreenshot(itemName?: string, callback?: function);
itemName required only for parallel run

describe('Suite name', function() {
  test('ecosia.org test', function(browser) {

Integration with Sauce Labs

To integrate with Sauce Labs just add attributes for the test case:

 "key": "SLID",
 "value": "# of the job in Sauce Labs"
}, {
 "key": "SLDC",
 "value": "EU (your job region in Sauce Labs)"