- 2
Support setting affinity rules
#432 opened by fornhunkle - 13
reportportal-api pod running but never ready
#430 opened by ldcorentin - 9
[24.2.0] UAT does not start with SAML
#428 opened by Skoucail - 1
Latest version of PostgreSQL and Minio charts
#339 opened by sergiobortsov - 18
some pods that are stuck in "pending" state after deployment with Kubernetes
#423 opened by antonadamov - 3
LDAP Integration Error with Report Portal
#427 opened by assiakhateeb - 2
24.2.0 API Service not Starting 'Plugin with ID = 'junit' of the same VERSION = '1.0.0' has already been uploaded.
#429 opened by ahaw2024 - 2
- 2
- 6
Error upgrading reportportal helm chart from 24.1.0 to 24.1.5: multiple invalid resource names
#421 opened by Uritassa - 5
- 3
SSO doesnt work for reportportal-24.1.0 in compare with reportportal-23.2.0
#371 opened by svaraksin-gd - 1
- 1
[Question] 24.1.3 Queues Per Pod Changes
#415 opened by tomikonio - 6
- 1
Improper k8s RBAC API Groups
#373 opened by MattMolloyatHilti - 1
Image registry as global parameter
#389 opened by deadly667 - 2
Uat and api services don't start with RDS database
#387 opened by netum-onni - 4
Parsing error in the API deployment template
#379 opened by BMlan-kj-GH - 1
UAT failed to start after migration to 23.2
#343 opened by Idosegal - 5
- 6
k8s migrations job fails and does not restart/retry
#355 opened by montsamu - 1
Dependency on k8s nginx controller not documented
#356 opened by montsamu - 18
Loading issue
#364 opened by Uritassa - 1
None of the “sha384” hashes in the integrity attribute match the content of the subresource
#378 opened by meisfrancis - 2
- 2
"uat" container in uat pods restarting with error "superadmin not found"
#374 opened by dhruv-chavda-mt - 3
[HELP] every route prefixed with /reportportal
#360 opened by prasad89 - 1
[Feature] Add Annotations to the Service Templates
#359 opened by tomikonio - 2
- 1
Unable to use existing PVC in Opensearch value
#363 opened by Uritassa - 1
- 7
Reportportal k8s new installation is stuck on new version 23.2 (and even 23.1)
#357 opened by ravinice - 3
Support for Kubernetes 1.25+
#311 opened by vitaliydavydiak - 0
Removing hardcoded images from templates
#327 opened by petrovicboban - 4
Clean default install of 23.2 fails
#346 opened by montsamu - 2
- 1
Wrong job name
#335 opened by maluyvova - 4
upgrade 5.7.4 - 5.8.0 uat password
#312 opened by Mieszko96 - 7
- 2
New deployment - k8s migrations job stuck at "46/update_job_attributes_in_bounds"
#316 opened by joshisumit - 2
- 0
service-jobs is sending auth headers to a ES AWS instance without auth in place
#315 opened by xuoja-acc - 1
Reportportal in EKS/NGINX-ingress: http->https redirection not working
#304 opened by ioannis-klonatos - 4
report port page is not loading
#309 opened by nbonagi - 2
[emerg] 1#1: mkdir() "/var/cache/nginx/client_temp" failed (13: Permission denied)
#308 opened by nbonagi - 1
report-portal-jobs pod is restarting
#305 opened by vignesh-thangaraj - 1
new helm release 5.7.4 not available
#303 opened by azhurbilo - 0
Support multiple ingress controllers
#301 opened by BMlan-kj-GH - 1
Change gateway_ingress.yaml to support Amazon Load Balancer (ALB) controller
#300 opened by Sunny-0929