
Evolvable implementation of an Event Store in Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Event store


An implementation of the event sourcing paradigm in Typescript.

Start by looking at the EventStore class.


npm install

npm run compile

docker-compose up -d

npm test

docker-compose run integration_tests

The database is started at postgres://repositive:repositive@localhost:5433/event-store. Run db.sql (user/pass repositive/repositive) to create the table structure and test.sql to add some sample data.

Building documentation

  • yarn doc
  • Open doc/index.html in your favourite browser


# Make sure we're deploying up to date master
git checkout master && git pull

# (optional) login to NPM
npm login

# Increment NPM version number
npm version major|minor|patch

# Publish to NPM
npm publish