
A small test environment for Vault with both the LDAP auth and LDAP secrets engine configured.

How to deploy

  1. Create these 3 folders ./tmp, ./tmp/tls and ./tmp/ssh
  2. Generate an ssh key for the ec2 instances with test -f ./tmp/ssh/id_rsa.pub || ssh-keygen -f ./tmp/ssh/id_rsa
  3. Generate self-signed tls certificates for the vault cluster. First make the script executable with chmod 700 ./generate-tls.sh and then execute it with ./generate-tls.sh
  4. Rename ./default_environemts/terraform.tfvars.template to ./default_environemts/terraform.tfvars and fill in the variables
  5. Rename ./terraform.tfvars.template to ./terraform.tfvars and fill in the variables. Make sure they match with step 1.
  6. Deploy all AWS resources in the ./default_environments folder with terraform init followed byterraform apply
  7. Deploy all AWS resources in ./ with terraform init followed byterraform apply
  8. Instructions to connect to the Bastion will be output by Terraform once it completes deploying everything in ./