
Python script for sorting out sequences from GoPro time lapses

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python script for sorting out sequences from GoPro time lapses

Given one or more source folders, search for all JPG and GPR files from a GOPRO's source folder. The media will be sorted into /SEQ000/<EXT> subfolders under the specified destination path.


IMPORTANT This script does not try to process time-lapse movies, only image sequences.

The --movie option will generate a 30fps movie from the JPG files only, and be created in the sequence root.


Command line usage:

# execute on a specified directory (destination defaults to $PWD)
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to root folder>

# execute on more than one root directory (all sorted data will be treated as
# on and put in one destination folder)
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to folder1> <path to folder2>

# specifiy the destination (path must already exist)
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to root folder> -d <destination>

# enable additional verbosity
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to root folder> -d <destination> -v

# generate a movie file from the JPG (non-raw) sequence files
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to root folder> -d <destination> -m

# run the unit tests
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces -u -v