Python script for sorting out sequences from GoPro time lapses
Given one or more source folders, search for all JPG and GPR files from a
GOPRO's source folder. The media will be sorted into /SEQ000/<EXT>
subfolders under the specified destination path.
IMPORTANT This script does not try to process time-lapse movies, only image sequences.
The --movie
option will generate a 30fps movie from the JPG files only, and
be created in the sequence root.
Command line usage:
# execute on a specified directory (destination defaults to $PWD)
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to root folder>
# execute on more than one root directory (all sorted data will be treated as
# on and put in one destination folder)
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to folder1> <path to folder2>
# specifiy the destination (path must already exist)
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to root folder> -d <destination>
# enable additional verbosity
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to root folder> -d <destination> -v
# generate a movie file from the JPG (non-raw) sequence files
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces <path to root folder> -d <destination> -m
# run the unit tests
> python -m gp_sort_sequeces -u -v