Dynamic background switcher for LightDM
After installation, you can run "LightDM Dynamic Configuration" from "applications" menu, if you wish to change background's topic (keywords) and source.
However, I daresay you may not wish to alter topic, as the default tends to give one goosebumps. 😁 If so, keep in mind "textures" seems nice too !
Default topic is cockpits and source is "Unsplash".
│ ├── control --> .deb package's conf file
│ ├── postinst --> -//- after install script
│ └── prerm --> -//- uninstall script
├── etc
│ └── lightdm-dynamic
│ └── lightdm-dynamic.conf --> conf
├── README.md
└── usr
├── bin
│ ├── lightdm-dynamic --> main script
│ └── lightdm-dynamic-conf --> "LightDm Dynamic Configuration" script (Zenity)
└── share
└── applications
└── lightdm-dynamic-conf.desktop --> "LightDm Dynamic Configuration" desktop entry (for "applications" menu)
Special thanks to Irina Kalman !