
A Scala interface to the JaCoP solver, based on reqT-constraints.

Primary LanguageScalaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0



  • Install scala-cli

  • Include this in a file called project.scala:

//> using scala 3.4
//> using dep "org.jacop:jacop:4.10.0"
//> using dep "reqt-lang:reqt-lang:4.2.0,url=https://github.com/reqT/reqT-lang/releases/download/4.2.0/reqt-lang_3-4.2.0.jar"
//> using dep "reqt-jacop:reqt-jacop:1.1.0,url=https://github.com/reqT/reqT-jacop/releases/download/v1.1.0/reqt-jacop_3-1.1.0.jar"
  • With reqT-lang, org.jacop and reqT-jacop on your class path you will get access to constraint satisfaction problem (csp) solving using extension methods such as satisfy, findAll, maximise etc., as exported here.

  • Start REPL with scala-cli repl . and solve this simple constraint satisfaction problem example:

scala> import reqt.*

scala> val cs = Seq(Var("x") > Var("y"), Var("x") < 42, Var("y") > 0)
val cs: Seq[reqt.csp.PrimitiveConstr] = List(XgtY(IntVar(id="x"),IntVar(id="y")), XltC(IntVar(id="x"),42), XgtC(IntVar(id="y"),0))

scala> val r1 = cs.satisfy
val r1: reqt.solver.Result = Result(SolutionFound,1,Map(IntVar(id="x") -> 30, IntVar(id="y") -> 11),None,Some(Solutions([nSolutions=1][nVariables=2])))

scala> val r2 = cs.findAll
val r2: reqt.solver.Result = Result(SolutionFound,820,Map(IntVar(id="x") -> 14, IntVar(id="y") -> 3),None,Some(Solutions([nSolutions=820][nVariables=2])))

scala> val n = r2.solutionCount
val n: Int = 820


source package.sh


  • Contributions are welcome! Contact the current maintainer: bjorn.regnell@cs.lth.se

  • NOTE: If you make a contribution to this repo you agree that the owner of this repo can use your code according to the license of this repo.


  • Bump the version in package.sh and run the script.

  • Create a release and upload the jar to the release section of this GitHub repo.


The code in this repo has a permissive license, but note that the jacop dependency has a non-permissive license.