
Performant ERGO blockchain toolset.

Primary LanguagePython


  • Unspent boxes are stored in boxes table, including height; this is current list of all unspent boxes (spent are not currently saved)
  • The boxes table needs to be constructed sequentially from height X to current height
  • The utxos table is created by removing spent boxes (i.e. any box missing from boxes), and adding newly unspent boxes
  • Assets, balances, vesting and staking are views of utxos; these may be pushed to tables and indexed for performance
  • Tokens are stored in tokens tabls sequentially by height
  • Tokenomics table is a view of tokens and utxo metrics including prices; likely stored in table for performance
  • Simple logging is sent to audit_log; cleanup after 3 days


  • using postgres 14
  • ergonode


git clone https://github.com/ergo-pad/danaides.git
docker compose up


-- should run this manually
create database danaides;
-- allow hstore columns; only need this once
create extension if not exists hstore;
  • set .env for container (in compose.yml, or include .env)


  • The API service builds the database objects, so must complete for danaides to run; restart if needed.
  • The first run through will take some time to build boxes and then utxos table.
  • Based on the method requesting node data, a local ergonode is required; async/multithreaded
  • the ergonode (i.e. quicknode, if using), should be on the docker network: ergopad-net


  • all tables can be snapshot with naming convention: [table]_[height] (i.e. boxes_700000)


  • -H --height - begin at this height (0 will include genesis block)
  • -V --verbose - be wordy
  • -P --prettyprint - conserve node requests and wait polling to single line (lf, without cr)
  • -B --override - process with just this box_id (use for testing)
  • -O --once - process once and complete (don't wait for next block)

Features In Progress

  • Burn/Mint Tokens
  • Integrate Paideia Contracts
  • API routes for coommon requests (i.e. staking, vesting), that are currently only available via SQL
  • Setup partitioning
  • .. goal: scalability
  • .. utxos_X00 (for every 100k blocks)
  • .. baseline performance since unspent boxes will stack closer to most recent; may need a better partition boundary
  • .. does this jack with sqlalchemy metadata create_all?
  • handle unicode in token names