
Real-time webhook consumer (TypeScript, Express, React, MongoDB)

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Request Binder is a developer tool which provides a simple UI for inspecting webhooks. With one click, users can generate a URL which they can use to subscribe to a webhook producer. Webhooks are streamed in real-time and the request headers and payload can be displayed.

Visit the live app at requestbinder.com

Server Setup and Configuration

  1. navigate to the backend directory and run npm install

  2. create a .env file, and declare the PORT variable with the desired port.

  3. setup postgres with the following steps

  • ensure postgres is running in the background
  • run createdb request_binder
  • while still in the backend directory, connect to the database with psql -d request_binder
  • execute the DDL statements with \i data/postgres_scripts/db_schema.sql
  • close psql, and add the following postgres connection string to .env with your own postres authentication info. POSTGRES_URI=postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/request_binder note: the password might be optional depending on your postgres configuration.
  1. setup MongoDB with the following steps
  • ensure that mongod is running in the background
  • connect to mongo with mongosh
  • execute use request-binder to create the database
  • close mongosh, and the following postgres connection string to .env with your own mongod authentication info. MONGODB_URI=mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/request-binder?authSource=admin
  • while still in the backend directory execute npm run setupdb. This creates an index on the database which will improve performance of some queries.
  1. start the app server with npm start