
Simple (and quite minimal) HTTP / HTTPS server with upload, download & logging functionality made mainly with standart libraries

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Server

Simple HTTP / HTTPS server with upload, download & logging functionality.

To download any file relative to the server root directory via GET request, path to file must be prepended with one of the following prefixes: ['/d/', '/download/']. For example:

To upload file(s) make a POST request to one of the following endpoints: ['/u', '/up', '/upload'] (if you try to upload a file to another handler, it won't work). Grouping of uploaded files in separate directories is done using URL parameter dir_name.

If --no-tls and --cert-dir flags are not specified, then generates random self-signed certificate and private key to provide TLS ecryption (files stored in data/cert).
If --cert-dir is specified, then searches for files full_certificate_chain.pem and private_key.pem in specified directory to enable TLS.

Log files are created in data/log directory in the following format: simple_server_YYYYMMDDhhmm.log.

Directory structure:

    ├── cert
    ├── log
    └── upload
        ├── <DIR_NAME>
        │   └── file1.txt
        │   └── file2.txt
        └── file3.txt

Adjust if necessary ;)


usage: simple_server.py [-h] [--bind ADDRESS] [--port PORT] [-o OUT_DIR]
                        [--cert-dir CERT_DIR | --no-tls]

Simple HTTP / HTTPS server with upload, download & logging functionality. 

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bind ADDRESS, -b ADDRESS
                        IP address to run server on (default: all interfaces)  
  --port PORT, -p PORT  port to run server on (default: 443)
  -o OUT_DIR            output directory for logs and upload data (default:    
  --cert-dir CERT_DIR   directory containing "full_certificate_chain.pem" and  
                        "private_key.pem" files. If not specified, generates   
                        random self-signed certificate.
  --no-tls              do NOT use TLS encryption, if (for any reason) you     
                        need HTTP server



Download single file from server root directory and save to a file named as the remote file:

curl --insecure -O ""


Upload single file:

curl --insecure -X POST -F filename=@"file3.txt" ""

Upload several files in separate directory "my_files":

curl --insecure -X POST -F filename=@"file1.txt" -F filename=@"file2.txt" ""