URP Bloom effect for mobile devices
After profiling in many devices and sharing information with Unity Forum, i realize that Unity new URP Post Effect is not suitable for all mobile devices.
- Size of Build
- Time of Build
- Increase Time of Shader Compile
- Decrease in almost 20 FPS in some devices
- GPU stall
- GPU GMEM Load increase from Standard PipeLine
- Around 24 Draw Calls
- FullScreen
For all those reason i created new URP Fast Focus Bloom
- NO GPU GMEM allocations
- NO GPU stall
- Only 4 Draw Call
- Dual Filtering Sampling
- Bloom only run on the fragment with the effect (NOT FULLSCREEN)
- This Technique is used in many "AAA" mobile games.
- Own Fast Focus Bloom is less than 1 MS on Snapdragon 820. (Increase with amount of objects)
Bloom Block size can be set for more precise focus reducing GPU load.