###This REST api is built using express and mongoose framework using node JS backend.

##Building the api

Make sure you have Node JS installed in your system.

##_Clone the repository_
##_Open terminal in that project folder_
##_Run 'npm i', this will install all the dependencies_

Before running the server make sure you have added your database credentials in the Products.js and the Category.js file inside the model folder.

##_Run 'npm start' to start the server_

There are total of 5 routes in the api.

##1: "localhost:5000/products/readall": "To get all products",

##2:"localhost:5000/products/readall?category=<category_name>": "To get all products of a particular category",
##"List of all categories: [electronics, fashion, home, sports, books, others]",

##3:"localhost:5000/products/read/<product_id>": "To get a product by id",

##4:"localhost:5000/products/create": "To create a product",

##5:"localhost:5000/products/delete?apikey=xyz": "To delete a product with api key",

##6:"localhost:5000/products/update/<product_id>": "To update a product with the product id",