
Automate the building of any project skeletons and uploading it to Github

Primary LanguagePython

Automate Building of New Projects

  • The purpose of this app is to automate the building of new projects.
  • Currently support python projects and Web projects using Javascript.
  • No installation of additional libraries are required.
  • This does not check for existing project prior to creating.
    • If existing project already exist, and if there are template data required to be added, data will just be appended to existing file.

build projects


  • Tested on Mac OSX Mojave.
  • Python 3.6 and above should work.

How to get it to work?

  • Curl must be installed.
  • Python needs to be installed.
  • Use the help command for instructions and to view the list of supported Projects.

    python run.py help

  • All dictionaries have to updated accordingly in the run.py and projectcreate.py.
    • menuDict elements in the run.py have to be updated if not using default values.
    • Github username environment variable.
      • This MUST be updated to create a Github repository.
    • Default path environment variable for each different type of project.
      • This is required to use the default feature.
  • By default, folders, files, git init, git add, git commit, git repository, git remote, git push will automatically be created and initiated.
    • If creating of git repository is not required, press "ctrl + c" when requested for password.

Customizable expansion

  • Create different types of projects (can be unrelated to Python and Javascript).
    • Update all elements in all Dictionaries in run.py and projectcreate.py.
      • menuDict in run.py must be updated to accept different types of projects.
      • envDict in projectcreate.py must be updated for Github username and default path.
        • If default path env and values are not set, running the app in default mode with produce an error.
        • Keys must be similar to menuDict, excluding Github username.
        • Values are the String of environment variables.
          • Default path must be saved as an environment variable, and stored as the value of the key.
      • filesDict in projectcreate.py must be updated to create the desired files and or folders with files.
        • Key must be similar to menuDict.
        • Values must be a list of Strings, which are the file and or folder with file names.
        • Exceptions:
          • If creating React apps, folders and files will automatically be created when running "create-react-app" command.
            • Value must be a string command in this case.
            • e.g.: "npx create-react-app {my-app}"
      • templateDict in projectcreate.py can be updated if adding data to a new file is required.
        • Key must be the file or folder with file name.
          • If tutorial html projects are created, all filenames will be named as project name by default.
        • Value is the function name, which must be created and returned with the desired data to be stored.
      • htmlDict in projectcreate.py must be updated to create the desirable template for the html file.
        • Keys must be similar to menuDict.
        • Value is the function name, which must be created and returned with the desired data to be stored.
      • gitignoreDict in projectcreate.py must be updated to ignore the unwanted files.
        • Key must be similar to menuDict.
        • Value is the String of files to ignore.
      • navDict in projectcreate.py must be updated to enable the load feature for opening and navigating to new Project folder in unsupported OS.