0x10. Python - Network #0

Table of contents

Files Description
0-body_size.sh Bash script that takes in a URL, sends a request to that URL, and displays the size of the body of the response
1-body.sh Bash script that takes in a URL, sends a GET request to the URL, and displays the body of the response
2-delete.sh Bash script that sends a DELETE request to the URL passed as the first argument and displays the body of the response
3-methods.sh Bash script that takes in a URL and displays all HTTP methods the server will accept
4-header.sh Bash script that takes in a URL as an argument, sends a GET request to the URL, and displays the body of the response
5-post_params.sh Bash script that takes in a URL, sends a POST request to the passed URL, and displays the body of the response
6-peak.py Python function that finds a peak in a list of unsorted integers
6-peak.txt Time complexity of the algorithm used in 6-peak.py
100-status_code.sh Bash script that sends a request to a URL passed as an argument, and displays only the status code of the response
101-post_json.sh Bash script that sends a JSON POST request to a URL passed as the first argument, and displays the body of the response
102-catch_me.sh Bash script that makes a request to that causes the server to respond with a message containing You got me!, in the body of the response