
Blazing fast syslog parser

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

MIT License

A parser for syslog messages.

Blazing fast RFC5424-compliant parser

To wrap up, this package provides:

  • a RFC5424-compliant parser
  • a RFC5424-compliant builder
  • a RFC5425-compliant parser


go get github.com/influxdata/go-syslog



The docs directory contains images representing the FSM parts of a RFC5424 syslog message.


Suppose you want to parse a given sequence of bytes as a RFC5424 message.

i := []byte(`<165>4 2018-10-11T22:14:15.003Z mymach.it e - 1 [ex@32473 iut="3"] An application event log entry...`)
p := rfc5424.NewParser()
m, e := p.Parse(i, nil)

This results in m being equal to:

// (*rfc5424.SyslogMessage)({
//  priority: (*uint8)(165),
//  facility: (*uint8)(20),
//  severity: (*uint8)(5),
//  version: (uint16) 4,
//  timestamp: (*time.Time)(2018-10-11 22:14:15.003 +0000 UTC),
//  hostname: (*string)((len=9) "mymach.it"),
//  appname: (*string)((len=1) "e"),
//  procID: (*string)(<nil>),
//  msgID: (*string)((len=1) "1"),
//  structuredData: (*map[string]map[string]string)((len=1) {
//   (string) (len=8) "ex@32473": (map[string]string) (len=1) {
//    (string) (len=3) "iut": (string) (len=1) "3"
//   }
//  }),
//  message: (*string)((len=33) "An application event log entry...")
// })

And e being equal to nil, since the i is a perfectly valid RFC5424 message.

Best effort mode

RFC5424 parser has the ability to perform partial matches (until it can).

With this mode enabled, when the parsing process errors out it returns the message collected until that position, and the error that caused the parser to stop.

Notice that in this modality the output is returned iff it represents a minimally valid message - ie., a message containing almost a priority field in [1,191] within angular brackets, followed by a version in ]0,999].

Let's look at an example.

bestEffortOn := true
i := []byte("<1>1 A - - - - - -")
p := NewParser()
m, e := p.Parse(i, &bestEffortOn)

This results in m being equal to the following SyslogMessage instance.

// (*rfc5424.SyslogMessage)({
//  priority: (*uint8)(1),
//  facility: (*uint8)(0),
//  severity: (*uint8)(1),
//  version: (uint16) 1,
//  timestamp: (*time.Time)(<nil>),
//  hostname: (*string)(<nil>),
//  appname: (*string)(<nil>),
//  procID: (*string)(<nil>),
//  msgID: (*string)(<nil>),
//  structuredData: (*map[string]map[string]string)(<nil>),
//  message: (*string)(<nil>)
// })

And, at the same time, in e reporting the error that actually stopped the parser.

expecting a RFC3339MICRO timestamp or a nil value [col 5]

Both m and e have a value since at the column the parser stopped it already was able to construct a minimally valid SyslogMessage.


This library also provides a builder to construct valid syslog messages.

Notice that its API ignores input values that does not match the grammar.

Let's have a look to an example.

msg := &SyslogMessage{}
msg.SetTimestamp("not a RFC3339MICRO timestamp")
// Not yet a valid message (try msg.Valid())
msg.Valid() // Now it is minimally valid

Printing msg you will verify it contains a nil timestamp (since an invalid one has been given).

// (*rfc5424.SyslogMessage)({
//  priority: (*uint8)(191),
//  facility: (*uint8)(23),
//  severity: (*uint8)(7),
//  version: (uint16) 1,
//  timestamp: (*time.Time)(<nil>),
//  hostname: (*string)(<nil>),
//  appname: (*string)(<nil>),
//  procID: (*string)(<nil>),
//  msgID: (*string)(<nil>),
//  structuredData: (*map[string]map[string]string)(<nil>),
//  message: (*string)(<nil>)
// })

Finally you can serialize the message into a string.

str, _ := msg.String()
// <191>1 - - - - - -


The RFC5425 builds upon RFC5424.

In short, it describes the recommended way to transport syslog messages - ie., over TLS with the octect counting technique.

To quickly understand how to use it please have a look at the example file.


To run the benchmark execute the following command.

make bench

On my machine1 this are the results obtained in best effort mode.

[no]_empty_input__________________________________-4	30000000       253 ns/op     224 B/op       3 allocs/op
[no]_multiple_syslog_messages_on_multiple_lines___-4	20000000       433 ns/op     304 B/op      12 allocs/op
[no]_impossible_timestamp_________________________-4	10000000      1080 ns/op     528 B/op      11 allocs/op
[no]_malformed_structured_data____________________-4	20000000       552 ns/op     400 B/op      12 allocs/op
[no]_with_duplicated_structured_data_id___________-4	 5000000      1246 ns/op     688 B/op      17 allocs/op
[ok]_minimal______________________________________-4	30000000       264 ns/op     247 B/op       9 allocs/op
[ok]_average_message______________________________-4	 5000000      1984 ns/op    1536 B/op      26 allocs/op
[ok]_complicated_message__________________________-4	 5000000      1644 ns/op    1280 B/op      25 allocs/op
[ok]_very_long_message____________________________-4	 2000000      3826 ns/op    2464 B/op      28 allocs/op
[ok]_all_max_length_and_complete__________________-4	 3000000      2792 ns/op    1888 B/op      28 allocs/op
[ok]_all_max_length_except_structured_data_and_mes-4	 5000000      1830 ns/op     883 B/op      13 allocs/op
[ok]_minimal_with_message_containing_newline______-4	20000000       294 ns/op     250 B/op      10 allocs/op
[ok]_w/o_procid,_w/o_structured_data,_with_message-4	10000000       956 ns/op     364 B/op      11 allocs/op
[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message___________________-4	20000000       586 ns/op     359 B/op      10 allocs/op
[ok]_with_structured_data_id,_w/o_structured_data_-4	10000000       998 ns/op     592 B/op      14 allocs/op
[ok]_with_multiple_structured_data________________-4	 5000000      1538 ns/op    1232 B/op      22 allocs/op
[ok]_with_escaped_backslash_within_structured_data-4	 5000000      1316 ns/op     920 B/op      20 allocs/op
[ok]_with_UTF-8_structured_data_param_value,_with_-4	 5000000      1580 ns/op    1050 B/op      21 allocs/op

As you can see it takes:

  • ~250ns to parse the smallest legal message

  • ~2µs to parse an average legal message

  • ~4µs to parse a very long legal message

Other RFC5424 implementations, like this one in Rust, spend 8µs to parse an average legal message.

TBD: comparation against other golang parsers.

  • [1]: Intel Core i7-7600U CPU @ 2.80GHz