
zUIx Web Starter project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

zUIx Web Starter

Starter project for component oriented web development.


  • zUIx web components and app bundler
  • Static Site
    • Front-Matter
    • Data Files
    • Helpers
    • Collections
    • Templates
  • LESS to CSS compiling
  • ESLint .js code linting
  • Minifier
  • Progressive Web App generator




This project requires Node.js/npm to be installed.


Download or clone this repository

 git clone https://github.com/genemars/zuix-web-starter.git
 cd zuix-web-starter.git

Install development dependencies

npm install


Start local web server

npm start

Start auto-build script (watch file tree for changes and auto-rebuild)

npm run watch

Or manual building

npm run build

website source files are located in the ./source folder and are generated in the ./docs folder. This setting can be changed by modifying the ./config/default.json file.

Configuration options

The default configuration is read from config/default.json:

  "zuix": {
    "build": {
      "input": "./source",
      "output": "./docs",
      "copy": [
      "ignore": [
      "compile": [
      "prettyUrl": false,
      "less": true,
      "eslint": true,
      "bundle": {
        "js": true,
        "css": true,
        "zuix": true
      "minify": {
        "disable": true,
        "collapseWhitespace": true,
        "removeOptionalTags": true,
        "removeRedundantAttributes": true,
        "removeScriptTypeAttributes": true,
        "removeTagWhitespace": true,
        "useShortDoctype": true,
        "collapseBooleanAttributes": true,
        "removeAttributeQuotes": true,
        "removeEmptyAttributes": true,
        "minifyCSS": true,
        "minifyJS": true
    "app": {
      "title": "zUIx Web Starter application.",
      "resourcePath": "/app/",
      "libraryPath": "https://genielabs.github.io/zkit/lib",
      "googleSiteId": "UA-123-456"

to use a different configuration file (eg. config/production.json):

export NODE_ENV=production
npm run build # (or watch)


The build configuration object implements the following fileds.


Input folder: where source files are located.


Output folder: where to copy/generate site files.


List of folders and files to copy as-is, from input to output folder, with no further processing.


List of folder and files to ignore.


List of file types to parse and generate (comma separated list of file extensions without the dot).


Enable pretty urls. For example, if you have a file called about.html it will be built to about/index.html, so that it can be linked just as /about.


Compile external resources as inline and pack them into the application bundle.

  • js (true/false) bundle scripts (<script .. />)
  • css (true/false) bundle styles (<link rel="stylesheet" .. />)
  • zuix (true/false) bundle zUIx components and contents loaded via data-ui-include or data-ui-load attributes. Add the attribute data-o-markdown="true" to post-process loaded content with MarkDown parser.

To enable minification set minify.enable to true. See all available options from html-minifier repository.


Set true to enable compile of .less files to .css. Configuration is read from .lessrc.json file.


Set true to enable JavaScript error checking/reporting with ESLint. Configuration is read from .eslintrc.json file.


The application settings object can also contain user-defined fields that can be then recalled inside app pages using double angulars (eg. {{app.title}} will be replaced with zuix.app.title value).


Path where application resources are located (components, templates, etc..).


Path where library (lib://) components are located. By default points to zKit components.

Site Structure

The following are just guide-lines for app structuring.

├── source/              #
│   ├── _inc/            # Static-Site includes (eg. header.html, footer.html)
│   ├── app/             # zUIx app folder
│   ├────── components/  # - UI components
│   ├────── controllers/ # - UI controllers
│   ├────── templates/   # - UI templates
│   ├────── content/     # - Content fragments conveniently
│   │                    #   organized into subfolders
│   ├── images/          # Images (generic/shared)
│   └── ...              # Landing/Home and other entry pages,
.   .                    #  PWA service worker, SEO, etc.

The _inc folder is reserved for static-site content fragments that are reusable fragments of page that can be included by using the {% include "<file_to_include>" %} command.

The following example shows how the main `source/index.html' file includes common stuff that is usually put in the header and before the end of the body of all pages:

{% include "_inc/head_open.html" %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
    <!-- put any custom content that goes inside `<head>` here -->
{% include "_inc/head_close.html" %}




    <script src="index.js"></script>
{% include "_inc/body_end.html" %}
{% include "_inc/html_close.html" %}

Find out all other static-site commands and functionality from its documentation page.

The app folder is reserverd for zUIx components and templates that are loaded using the data-ui-load and data-ui-include attributes. See zUIx Getting Started guide for documentation about how to apply templates and how to create/use components. The name of this folder (app) is defined by the zuix.app.resourcePath configuration setting.

The images folder should be reserved for all graphic resources that are shared and are usually referenced by more than a single page or component.

It is recommended to put component-local or content-local resources inside a dedicated subfolder.

For instance, a app/components/login_dialog component will consist of the following files/folder:

├── source/
│   ├── app/
│   ├────── components/
│   ├────────── login_dialog.js     # Controller
│   ├────────── login_dialog.html   # View
│   ├────────── login_dialog.css    # Style
│   ├────────── login_dialog/       # Folder where to put
.   .                               #  component-local assets/resources

as an example see the Media Browser component structure in the zKit repository.

Resources and Docs