
Netxx from pmade.com

Primary LanguageC++


Netxx is a C++ network programming library. It is designed to take the pain
out of programming network communications applications.

It does this by providing an easy to use and cross-platform interface. As a
side effect, you get the safety of automatic resource management and
smaller, simpler code.


  * Very clean API with total abstraction from any operating system calls.
    No networking or operating system headers are used in the Netxx header
  * Appropriate use of C++ technologies such as namespaces, templates,
    inheritance and exceptions. All Netxx classes are in the Netxx
    namespace and exceptions are used only in exceptional situations.
  * Includes support for TLS/SSL (via OpenSSL), IPv6 and Local/Unix Domain
    Sockets (on operating systems that support them).
  * Cross-platform support. Netxx currently supports most flavors of Unix,
    Windows and MacOS X.
  * An IOStreams streambuf is provided so you can treat network connections
    just like a std::iostream.
  * Berkeley style license so you can do whatever you want with Netxx,
    including commercial use.

For more information about Netxx please go to: