Logs chat messages of twitch.tv user. To be used in the future to imitate users messaging style.
For each user you want to log; all channels that the user follows is checked to see if they are chatting. If they send a message it is logged in file for that user in that channel specifically.
CFG Requirements:
- NAME as Username of your bot
- PASS as OAuth password (Can be generated here)
Create a new UserManager() with a list of users as strings as the only argument.
manager = UserManager(["justin","clintstevens","northernlion"])
Main file contains what is required, excluding the list of users.
Files are then logged to folders of each user in textfiles for each channel.
- Let channel reader sleep if channel is offline
- Let channel reader sleep if no user that follows that channel is in the chat
This repo was remade becuase the previous one contained sensitive information.
Author: Benjamin Friesen
E-mail: bfriesen95@gmail.com