
video.js plugin for recording audio/video/image files.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Video.js Record

Video.js plugin for recording audio/video/image files.


npm version npm License Build Status

Table of Contents


Use npm (npm install videojs-record) or bower (bower install videojs-record) to install the plugin or download the library and dependencies elsewhere.

Since v2.0 this plugin is compatible with video.js 6.0 and videojs-wavesurfer.js 2.0 or newer. If you want to use this plugin with an older version, check the archived releases for a 1.7.x or older release.

Take a look at the changelog when upgrading from a previous version of videojs-record.


The plugin has the following mandatory dependencies:

  • Video.js - HTML5 media player that provides the user interface.
  • webrtc-adapter - Provides cross-browser support for getUserMedia and other browser APIs used in this plugin.

When recording audio and/or video you also need:

  • RecordRTC.js - Adds support for audio/video/GIF recording.

And when recording audio-only, the following dependencies are also required ( to visualize the audio waveform):

Optional dependencies when using other audio libraries (note that most of these audio codecs are already available in most modern browsers):

  • libvorbis.js - Converts PCM audio data to compressed Ogg Vorbis audio, resulting a smaller audio files with similar quality.
  • lamejs - Converts PCM audio data to compressed MP3 audio.
  • opus-recorder - Converts the output of Web Audio API nodes as Opus and exports it into an Ogg container.
  • recorder.js - A plugin for recording the PCM output of Web Audio API nodes.


Start by including the video.js stylesheet and library:

<link href="video-js.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="video.min.js"></script>

If you're going to record audio and/or video you need to include RecordRTC as well:

<script src="RecordRTC.js"></script>

The videojs-record plugin automatically registers itself when the script is included on the page:

<script src="videojs.record.js"></script>

Add the extra stylesheet for the plugin that includes a custom font with additional icons:

<link href="videojs.record.css" rel="stylesheet">


When recording either audio/video, video-only, animated GIF or a single image, include a video element:

<video id="myVideo" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"></video>


Audio-only screenshot

When recording audio-only, also include the wavesurfer.js library and the videojs-wavesurfer and microphone plugins. Make sure to place this before the videojs.record.js script.

<script src="wavesurfer.min.js"></script>
<script src="wavesurfer.microphone.min.js"></script>
<script src="videojs.wavesurfer.js"></script>

And define an audio element:

<audio id="myAudio" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"></audio>

There is also support for additional audio libraries that allows you to record audio with alternative codecs (that otherwise might not be supported in the browser) like Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.


To try out the examples locally, download the zipfile and unpack it, or checkout the repository using Git:

git clone https://github.com/collab-project/videojs-record.git

And install the dependencies using npm:

cd videojs-record
npm install

Build the library and assets once:

npm run build

And start the local webserver:

npm run start

And open http://localhost:9999/examples/audio-video.html in a browser.


Configure the player using the video.js options, and enable the plugin by adding a record configuration to plugins. For example:

var player = videojs('myVideo', {
    // video.js options
    controls: true,
    loop: false,
    fluid: false,
    width: 320,
    height: 240,
    plugins: {
        // videojs-record plugin options
        record: {
            image: false,
            audio: false,
            video: true,
            maxLength: 5,
            debug: true

The available options for this plugin are:

Option Type Default Description
image boolean or object false Create single snapshot image.
audio boolean or object false Include audio in the recorded clip.
video boolean or object false Include video in the recorded clip.
animation boolean or object false Animated GIF without audio.
debug boolean false Enables console log messages during recording for debugging purposes.
maxLength float 10 Maximum length of the recorded clip.
timeSlice float 0 Accepts numbers in milliseconds; use this to force intervals-based blobs and receive timestamps during recording by listening for the timestamp event.
frameWidth float 320 Width of the recorded video frames. Use media constraints to change the camera resolution width.
frameHeight float 240 Height of the recorded video frames. Use media constraints to change the camera height.
videoMimeType string 'video/webm' The mime type for the video recorder. Use video/mp4 (Firefox) or video/webm;codecs=H264 (Chrome 52 and newer) for MP4. A full list of supported mime-types in the Chrome browser is listed here.
videoRecorderType string or function 'auto' Video recorder type to use. This allows you to specify an alternative recorder class, e.g. WhammyRecorder. Defaults to auto which let's recordrtc specify the best available recorder type.
audioEngine string 'recordrtc' Audio recording library/plugin to use. Legal values are recordrtc, libvorbis.js, lamejs, opus-recorder and recorder.js.
audioRecorderType string or function 'auto' Audio recorder type to use. This allows you to specify an alternative recorder class, e.g. StereoAudioRecorder. Defaults to auto which let's recordrtc specify the best available recorder type. Currently this setting is only used with the recordrtc audioEngine.
audioMimeType string 'auto' The mime type for the audio recorder. Defaults to auto which will pick the best option available in the browser (e.g. either audio/wav, audio/ogg or audio/webm). A full list of supported mime-types in the Chrome browser is listed here.
audioBufferSize float 4096 The size of the audio buffer (in sample-frames per second). Legal values: 0, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 and 16384.
audioSampleRate float 44100 The audio sample rate (in sample-frames per second) at which the AudioContext handles audio. Legal values are in the range of 22050 to 96000.
audioChannels float 2 Number of audio channels. Using a single channel results in a smaller filesize.
audioWorkerURL string '' URL for the audio worker, for example: /opus-recorder/build/encoderWorker.min.js. Currently only used for opus-recorder and lamejs plugins.
animationFrameRate float 200 Frame rate for animated GIF (in frames per second).
animationQuality float 10 Sets quality of color quantization (conversion of images to the maximum 256 colors allowed by the GIF specification). Lower values (minimum = 1) produce better colors, but slow processing significantly. The default produces good color mapping at reasonable speeds. Values greater than 20 do not yield significant improvements in speed.


Methods for this plugin documented below are available using the record method of the video.js player instance. For example:

Method Description
isRecording Returns a boolean indicating whether recording is active or not.
getRecordType Get recorder type as string. Either image_only, animation, audio_only, video_only or audio_video.
saveAs Show save as dialog in browser so the user can store the recorded media locally.
destroy Destroys the recorder instance and children (including the video.js player).
reset Not as destructive as destroy: use this if you want to reset the player interface and recorder state.
stopDevice Stop the recording and the active audio and/or video device(s).
getDevice Start the audio and/or video device(s).
getDuration Get the length of the recorded stream in seconds. Returns 0 if no recording is available (yet).
getCurrentTime Get the current time of the recorded stream during playback. Returns 0 if no recording is available (yet).
enumerateDevices Get async list of media input and output devices available on the system.
start Start recording.
stop Stop recording.
pause Pause recording.
resume Resume recording.


Plugin events that are available on the video.js player instance. For example:

player.on('startRecord', function() {
    console.log('started recording!');
Event Description
deviceReady The webcam and/or microphone is ready to use.
deviceError User doesn't allow the browser to access the webcam and/or microphone. Check player.deviceErrorCode for the specific error code.
startRecord User pressed the record or camera button to start recording.
progressRecord Fires continuously during recording (until recording is stopped or paused).
stopRecord User pressed the stop button to stop recording.
timestamp Fires continuously during recording whenever a new timestamp is available. Only fires if the timeSlice option is set.
finishRecord The recorded stream or image is available. Check the player.recordedData object for the recorded data.
enumerateReady enumerateDevices returned the devices successfully. The list of devices is stored in the player.recorder.devices array.
enumerateError An error occured after calling enumerateDevices. Check the player.enumerateErrorCode property for an description of the error.

Media Constraints

Media stream constraints allow you to specify the types of media to request, along with any requirements for each type.

The following example shows how to change the camera resolution to 1280 by 720 pixels:

var player = videojs('myVideo', {
    controls: true,
    loop: false,
    // dimensions of video.js player
    fluid: false,
    width: 1280,
    height: 720,
    plugins: {
        record: {
            maxLength: 5,
            debug: true,
            audio: false,
            video: {
                // video constraints: set resolution of camera
                mandatory: {
                    minWidth: 1280,
                    minHeight: 720,
            // dimensions of captured video frames
            frameWidth: 1280,
            frameHeight: 720

Get recorded data

Listen for the finishRecord event and obtain the recorded data from the player.recordedData object for further processing:

// user completed recording and stream is available
player.on('finishRecord', function() {
    // the recordedData object contains the stream data that
    // can be downloaded by the user, stored on server etc.
    console.log('finished recording: ', player.recordedData);

Save data

Use the saveAs method to show a 'Save as' browser dialog where the user can choose the storage location for the recorded data. It accepts a name object that contains a mapping between the media type and the filename. For example:

player.on('finishRecord', function() {
    // show save as dialog
    player.recorder.saveAs({'video': 'my-video-file-name.webm'});


It's also possible to get data during recording with specific time-intervals. This could be useful in scenarios where you're recording a long clip and planning to upload recorded blobs to a server periodically, where the clip is stiched it together.

Do this by listening for the timestamp event. For example:

// monitor stream data during recording
player.on('timestamp', function() {
    // timestamps
    console.log('current timestamp: ', player.currentTimestamp);
    console.log('all timestamps: ', player.allTimestamps);

    // stream data
    console.log('array of blobs: ', player.recordedData);
    // or construct a single blob:
    // var blob = new Blob(blobs, {
    //     type: 'video/webm'
    // });

Upload data

Check the jquery.fileupload or Fine Uploader examples on how to upload the data to a server.

Controlling the input and output devices

Use enumerateDevices to get a list of the available input and output devices on the user's system, e.g. FaceTime HD-camera, default (Built-in microphone) etc.

Check out the enumerateDevices example (demo / source).

After you aquired the device id (called deviceId in the example below) specify it in the player configuration using constraints:

record: {
    maxLength: 20,
    debug: true,
    audio: true,
    video: {
        // video constraints: use preset device
        optional: [{sourceId: deviceId}]

Responsive layout

The fluid option for video.js will resize the player according to the size of the window.

Configure the player; enable the video.js 'fluid' option:

fluid: true

Customizing controls

To disable and hide specific controls, use the video.js controlBar option:

controlBar: {
    // hide fullscreen and volume controls
    fullscreenToggle: false,
    volumePanel: false

Other audio libraries

RecordRTC is the default recording library but there is also support for other audio libraries. Check the plugins wiki page for more information.


This plugin supports multiple languages. Each language has it's own file (found in the lang directory) that contains the translated text.

Using a different language, for example Dutch (nl), is done by including the plugin's language file and the Video.js language file:

<script src="videojs-record/dist/lang/nl.js"></script>
<script src="video.js/dist/lang/nl.js"></script>

And setting the Video.js player's language option:

language: "nl"

Adding support for an additional language is done by adding a new file with a filename that consists of the countrycode and the .json extension, eg. fr.json. The build script compiles the JSON into a usable language file, eg. fr.js. Check the Video.js wiki for a list of supported countrycodes. Pull requests to add more languages to this plugin are always welcome! You can also help out using the Transifex online translation tool.

Using with React

The react example shows how to integrate this plugin in a React component (demo or source).

More features using other plugins

The Video.js community created lots of plugins that can be used to enhance the player's functionality.


Install dependencies using npm:

npm install

Build a minified version:

npm run build

Generated files are placed in the dist directory.

During development:

npm run start

This will watch the source directory and rebuild when any changes are detected. It will also serve the files on

All commands for development are listed in the package.json file and are run using:

npm run <command>


Check the the font readme for more information.


This work is licensed under the MIT License.


Please consider donating if you like this project. Bitcoin is accepted and can be sent to 3PmXCqUggtq7KUWPbpN8WhMnb1Mfb1jbq8.