
Code for vertebra detection task.

Primary LanguagePython


Getting started

  • Install dependencies by running the install.sh from the repository's root.

  • Run demo_app.py on your data:

python3 demo/demo_app.py --images PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_IMAGES_ONLY --model-path data/model.pth

Initial problem

Train a NN for binary(healthy/sick) detection of each intervertebral disk of the cervical.

Data analysis


The source dataset contains squared RGB images (could be converted to grayscale because the source scan is grayscale image)

Two possible sizes of image: 384х384 and 512х512.

  • The source dataset size: 891 images and 12 markup files which contain an annotation for every image.
  • The number of unique classes in the markup: 8
  • The number of good-for-markup samples: 365
  • The number of samples which contain at least one intervertebral disk of the cervical: 343
  • Median value for the number of marked intervertebral disk of the cervical: 5

Since the source markup contains 8 unique classes it should be converted to 2 (healthy/sick).

Distribution of images by the number of marked cervical intervertebral discs:


Based on this histogram it was decided to cut off samples that contain less than 4 and more than 6 marked discs. Final histogram:


  • Total number of samples used: 328
  • Number of marked disks on the final dataset: 1641
  • Number of healthy disks (1 class): 920 (56%)
  • Number of pathological(sick) discs (class 2): 721 (44%)
Problems in this dataset:
  • Some of the images are more brightly than others
  • Some of the images have strange markup

Strange markup example:

img_00122.jpg img_00123.jpg

Explanation: two nearby images of the same pacient but in the first image the second disc marked as healthy when at the second image the same disc is marked as sick. Also the last disc are marked only at the one image.

Images examples


img_00005.jpg img_00005.jpg


img_00642.jpg img_00644.jpg

Images examples with processed markup

img_00005.jpg img_00005.jpg img_00005.jpg img_00005.jpg

NN architecture

FasterRCNN with ResNet50 as a backbone.

Data preparation

For data preprocessing and subsets preparation the tools/prepare_markup.py was developed. It can:

  • divide the dataset into train/test
  • calculate the mean and std for images normalization while training (all given images are using)
  • search and remove duplicated boxes (the decision to remove is made based on the IoU metric)
  • remove samples which contains less than N marked discs
  • visualize and save images with drawn markup

For training train/test subsets were generated with parameters from tools/prepare_markup.cfg.

This script supports launching from config (by --config key).

Training process

The resulted model was trained on the notebook with the following hardware:

  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 1070
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-8750H
  • RAM: 32GB DDR4
  • Storage: SSD

The training process was developed on the PyTorch. The training script contains here: train/train_pytorch.py. Several training attempts were made and parameters which were used for train the best model contain here: train/train_pytorch.cfg.

The training process features:

  • Hard augmentation (affine, perspective, pixel-level)
  • Postprocessing for remove dublicated boxes
  • Optimized metrics calculation

History or training process:


Final metrics

train.json test.json markup.json
Precision 0.998 0.773 0.923
Recall 0.998 0.817 0.94
F1 0.998 0.795 0.932
AverPrec 0.316 0.42 0.343

Prediction examples (augmentation 1)

From test.json (left - GT, right - PD):

img_00292.jpg img_00357.jpg img_01200.jpg

From train.json (left - GT, right - PD):

img_00632.jpg img_00721.jpg img_00760.jpg

Model cleaning

Since the the training script saves best models with the ability for resume training output models contain additional information about optimizer and LR scheduler state.

To reduce the model's weight by removing unnecessary information, the tools/clean_model.py script can be used.

Demonstration and quality evaluation

Script for the demonstration and quality evaluation contains here: demo/demo_app.py. It allows to run the model both on images (with saving or visualizing of the predicts) and on prepared by the tools/prepare_markup.py script subset file.

Plans and future improvements:

  • Training on the grayscale images
  • Experiments with focal loss
  • Experiments with class_weights
  • Models ensembling
  • Experiments with another backbones
  • Implementation of the resume training