- 6
FFGL plugin is not recognized on another computer
#100 opened by josebedoyas - 0
resolume arena can't see my dll source
#99 opened by Napriiihm - 7
Fbo plugin crash when play and select the same clip with different dimensions
#73 opened by piotrus04 - 2
Debug and breakpoint on xcode
#88 opened by piotrus04 - 2
- 0
- 0
Documentation for Codesigning
#97 opened by DanielArnett - 3
Build with CMake
#92 opened by Kautenja - 0
Compile for linux
#93 opened by Kautenja - 1
Incorrect `hostTime` for first render iteration
#90 opened by soulfresh - 1
Bloom Example No Longer Compiles
#87 opened by wyhinton - 1
Where is the list of available uniforms
#79 opened by wyhinton - 2
Simpler multi buffer FFGL Example
#77 opened by wyhinton - 0
Why does ```Audio::GetVolumeFromTo( int fromFreq, int toFreq )``` return ```0.0```?
#84 opened by wyhinton - 2
Add FFT Visualizer Demo
#67 opened by wyhinton - 0
- 0
- 1
#78 opened by perrelet - 4
Does ffgl support WebGL 2 features?
#74 opened by wyhinton - 2
more than 2 samplers makes crash
#72 opened by piotrus04 - 3
Add Workflow Tips to Readme?
#66 opened by wyhinton - 1
AddSubtract example - member shadowing
#68 opened by hepiyellow - 1
FFGL Testbed - Can't paste into Text parameter
#71 opened by hepiyellow - 2
- 1
- 4
- 2
Add method for updating the parameters on-fly
#63 opened by rytai - 1
Add support for value change events
#50 opened by ResolumeMenno - 1
Add explicit premultiplied / straight setting
#65 opened by MennoVink - 0
Default value for ParamRange is not used
#52 opened by jorisdejong - 1
Implement log hook
#58 opened by MennoVink - 4
Building a host
#53 opened by rsodre - 0
SDK platform defines
#55 opened by bigfug - 2
- 1
- 5
- 1
Add support for parameter groups
#48 opened by ResolumeMenno - 1
- 1
Can't build SDK with CMake on macOS
#54 opened by bigfug - 1
Support separators for option parameters
#49 opened by ResolumeMenno - 1
cpu glubyte array to texture
#46 opened by piotrus04 - 2
The sdk is not host agnostic anymore
#40 opened by ResolumeMenno - 0
- 1
Fix parameter ranges not working correctly
#42 opened by ResolumeMenno - 1
Put FFGL classes inside namespace
#43 opened by ResolumeMenno - 0
- 1
Finish or remove mipmap support from GLFBO
#39 opened by ResolumeMenno - 1
Investigate CLAMP_TO_BORDER changes
#38 opened by ResolumeMenno - 5
#31 opened by colorcompiler - 0
getTicks is not precise at all
#26 opened by flyingrub