Setup Instructions:
- Connect a programming board to a screen (S, M, or Transparent L have been tested) and to your ships core.
- Once connections are made, copy the raw code form the du-warpcell-map.json file and go to your programming board.
- At your programming board go Advanced > Paste Lua configration from clipboard
- Turn on screen and programming board.
Usage Instructions: To use the touch screen, do not have a tool equipped. To get warp cell cost, you must sit in your ships control seat so that mass can be calculated. - Construct "Weight" will be displayed in tons (even though it's actually calculated in tonnes) - Est. Warp Cost will display the warp cells you will need for ONE WAY travel.
2020-11-06 Improved UI/UX of original map posted here: - Colored all planets to match planet hue - Colored planet text to match planet hue - Repositioned planet text elements for readability - Updated color scheme for better look and functionality - Increased font size of text buttons and repositioned - Adjusted layering of some elements for readability Tested on M, S, and L Transparent Screens Uploaded du-warpcell-map.jpg so you can see what it's supposed to look like when running correctly.