Arknights Proxy with data modification
It will neither update nor save your account progress, as it's client-side only
just my oldddd project, too lazy to port it into python
Use with your own risk
Use NodeJS, mitmdump, and Python
npm i request
npm i express
npm i body-parser
node index.js
mitmdump.exe -s
then use the proxy
If you're using Android 7.0 or later, you have to bypass ssl pinning (?). You can do that by using EdExposed Module SSLUnpinning or something. frida can do this maybe ?
Idk though for iOS
//character_table = JSON.parse(await getRequest(''));
//dataSkin = JSON.parse(await getRequest(''));
uncomment to fetch directly from Dimbreath's github
account/sample.json for base account
fetch it from capturing /account/syncData
I'll provide it later
var orundum = 123456789; //Orundum
var paidPO = 12345; //OrginitePrime
var name = "Luna"; //Name
var nickNumber = -1; //nickNumbeer
var level = -1; //Level
var exp = 0; //Exp
var resume = "Luna"; //Resume
var secretary = "char_113_cqbw"; //Secretary (W)
var secretarySkinId = "char_113_cqbw#2" //Secretary Skin (W E2)
- All Operators and Skins, based table
- Change Secertary
- Battle, no reward though, no consumption
annihilation - Gacha (Ten pulls only, see Gacha)
single pull - Orginite Prime Conversion into Orundum