
Extract Webpack source maps.

Primary LanguagePython

Sourcemap Extractor

Simple extractor for uncompiled, uncompressed SPA code from webpack sourcemaps ⚙️. The original purpose of sourcemap is to make debugging minified JavaScript code more easier. But with the sourcemap being enable, we can extract or just see the original code not to mention the logical part, api endpoints, comments, hidden functionally (for those website that differ between admin and normal user), and many interesting stuff. So for security perspective, this extractor is to show that how unsafe a production website with sourcemap enable can be.

Acknowledgments 📄

The original code is from unwebpack-sourcemap. So give it look to the original repo.

Getting Started 🛠

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine. I suggest using python 3 as some library is for python 3 only.


Go to project directory and install all dependencies

pip install -r dependencies.txt


Flag list:

  • --local for local sourcemap
  • --detect detect the source for remote sourcemap

Extract from local sourcemaps

python3 main.py --local <path_to_sourcemap> <output_dir_name>

The args --local indicate that the sourcemap is in local machine. <output_dir_name> is the directory where the result will be put.

Extract from remote sourcemaps

python3 main.py <path_to_remote_sourcemap> <output_dir_name>

For remote sourcemap, it is not necessary to put the flag --local

Extract from remote SPA root

python3 main.py --detect <path_to_remote_spa_root> <output_dir_name>

If you do not know where the source maps is, you can use --detect provided with SPA root folder. It will attempt to read all <script src> on an HTML page, fetch JS assets, look for sourceMappingURI, and pull sourcemaps from remote sources

Future Plan ⏱

I don't know if it is possible but I plan to implement below list.

  • CSS extractor
  • Image/Assets extractor