
Starter repository to deploy Strapi with Restack on your cloud.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Starter repository to deploy Strapi with Restack on your cloud.

About Restack

Restack is the platform to run your favorite open source products: Build your custom image, scale cost-efficiently with no downtime and upgrade seamlessly to the latest release.


This starter repository includes:

  • Initial structure for building Strapi project.
  • Sample strapi configuration.
  • Dockerfile to build an image ready for deployment on Restack

Getting started

Open Strapi application page on Restack and set up Build custom image with GitHub:

Build custom image with GitHub screenshot

After deployment you need to register admin account. Visit this url:

https://{{ restack_application_hostname }}/admin

where {{ restack_application_hostname }} is a host name assigned to Strapi application by Restack.


Configuration files are located under directory ./config in this repository.

See official documentation how to configure Strapi: https://docs.strapi.io/dev-docs/configurations

Strapi version

Strapi version is specified in package.json file. Find @strapi/strapi field under dependencies:

"@strapi/strapi": "4.20.5",

Specifying custom version here may also require updating versions of other Strapi components listed under @strapi/ namespace.