Segmentation for Contacts

this is an application to filter some contacts by a certain condition like:

  • Contacts with age greater than 10 years old: age > 10
  • Contacts with email from gmail and age greater than 20 years old: age > 20 AND email like '%gmail'

online demo

How to use

  • Fill your contacts base (demo)
  • Create an segmentation (demo) and Add conditions on it.
  • Run your segment and you view the contacts that match with your condition (demo)

Begin now!

How can i run localy? follow these steps


  • Postgres 9.4 (default instalation, next next...)
  • NodeJs 4.6.0 (only for the assetpipeline)
  • Ruby 2.2.4
  • Rails 5.0.1 (if you are using windows try railsInstaller and follow this tutorial)


We are assuming that you have a rails 5.0.1 and your default ecosystem (the omakase specs)

  • Checkout this repository
  • Config your database, change the file config\database.yml and put your database user and password, or put the full qualified URL to your local database.
  • run bundle or bundle install to install all the gem that we needed.
  • run rails db:migrate, this will generate the development database.
  • run rails db:seed, this will fill the database with the default data.
  • run rails s, the server will start on the http://localhost:3000/

Run Tests

To setup the local testes, you must run the previously steps.

  • run rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test, this will create de database of ours tests.
  • run rails db:seed RAILS_ENV=test, this will fill ours test database.
  • run rails test <PATH> ou to run all tests rails test

Development Enviroment

  • Lookout whe you are commiting yours files, and not commit some config files with local access credetial.