
This is the example repository for demo how to automatiocally retrieve OAuth 2.0 token for BOX API Server with Restbird

Primary LanguageGo

This is the example repository for demo how to automatiocally retrieve OAuth 2.0 token for BOX API Server with Restbird, which described in this blog, A practical way to automate testing Oauth 2.0 Service and A practical way to automate testing Oauth 2.0 Service - Part 2

To use this repo

  • Download Restbird docker3
docker pull restbird/rest
  • Run Restbird docker with this repo
docker run -ti -p {host-port}:8080 -v {path-to-project}:/data/restbird restbird/rest

Check [Restbird tutorial] (https://restbird.org/tutorial/tutorial.html) for detail

The default user credential for Restbird is admin/admin

The Box account used in this exampe is demo@restbird.com/DemoRestbird123!

You can definitely use your own Box account, modify the client_id and client_secret in "Box" environment.

Related articles:

Jenkins pipeline example used to test this demo

node {
    def payload 
    stage('Build') {
    stage('Deploy') {
    stage('Run test') {
        def host = ''
        def basicAuth = 'Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='
        println('Call Restbird API to run test:')
        def reqBody = '{"casepath":"Box/TestScripts","apis":["api0"]}'
        def response = httpRequest httpMode:'POST', customHeaders: [[name: 'Authorization', value: basicAuth]], requestBody: reqBody, url:host+"/v1/rest/run"
        println('Status: '+response.status)
        println('Response: '+response.content)
        payload = readJSON text: response.content
        def historyId = payload.his.id
        println('History_id: '+ historyId)
        def historyReqBody = '{"project":"Box/TestScripts","id":"' + payload.his.id + '", "immediatereturn": true}'
        for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
            println('Call Restbird API to get result: '  + i)

            def historyResponse = httpRequest httpMode:'POST', customHeaders: [[name: 'Authorization', value: basicAuth]], requestBody: historyReqBody, url:host+"/v1/rest/runresult"
            println('Status: '+historyResponse.status)
            println('Response: '+historyResponse.content)
              if(historyResponse.status == 200){
                printConsoleLog(host, basicAuth, historyId)
                payload = readJSON text: historyResponse.content
                if(payload.code == 0){
                    if(payload.his.responseval.result == true){
                         currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
                         currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
                }else if(payload.code == -1){
                    println("Test unfinshed, check back in 10 seconds")
                    sleep 10
                    println("Test error" + payload.code + ", " + payload.info)
                    currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
                currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'

        //return timeout
        currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
def printConsoleLog(host, basicAuth, historyId){
   println('--Call Restbird API to get console log:')
   def consoleResponse = httpRequest httpMode:'GET', customHeaders: [[name: 'Authorization', value: basicAuth]], url:host+"/v1/rest/his/console?project=Box/TestScripts&id=" + historyId
   println('--Console Status: '+consoleResponse.status)
   println('--Console Response: '+consoleResponse.content)  