The Restful Objects specification defines a set of RESTful resources, and corresponding JSON representations, for accessing and manipulating a domain object model.
- Abdull
- abhij33tSeattle
- ajayjadhav
- alexanderkielUniversity Leipzig
- alternatexBasel, Switzerland
- bcavileerHolman Enterprises
- cardinal27513
- cesarhdzMexico
- coldneboBoston, MA
- danhaywoodHaywood Associates Ltd.
- devmao
- ericrich
- freshunter
- fsenart☁
- gpittau
- hchoroomi
- johnnyworker1012Cogo AI
- karlredgateBoston Dynamics
- Kenrick-ZhouBeijing
- KevinIngolfslandGeorgia, US
- martin-spa
- mingchan
- mpantelLesvos - Mytilene - Greece
- npero
- numbakrrunch
- paperdarwinPaperstreet Media
- rafacmVienna, Austria
- rezarahimi
- richardpawsonNaked Objects Group Ltd
- rukkuPhilippine Space Agency
- runrightfast
- seralfserendipity expert
- typesend@aliensfromthefuture
- webartifexwebartifex GmbH
- wna-seUppsala University, @NBISweden
- ZoxiveMidland, MI