
Don't Forget is a simple mobile application created with Flutter. It simply helps you to remember if you did something or not and records the update time. The main purpose of developing this app for me is to learn clean architecture and testing in Flutter.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

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Don't Forget

Don't Forget

A simple reminder app created with Flutter

About The Project

Don't Forget is a simple mobile application created with Flutter. It simply helps you to remember if you did something or not and records the update time. The main purpose of developing this simple app for me is to learn bloc state management with clean architecture and testing in Flutter. You can use it as a base architecture of your projects because it is simple, scalable and maintainable.

Built With

Getting Started

Don't Forget is a really simple app so that it's easier to understand what is happening under the hood.


You need to have following softwares and frameworks before running the project


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/rtanyildizi/dont-forget.git
  2. Install packages
    flutter pub get


If you want to use the app in your real android device

  1. Build release apk

    flutter build apk --release
  2. Copy the apk to your device from ./build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk

  3. Install apk to your device. You need to allow unknown sources to install the apk.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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