Dispel Tools

Dispel Tools are tools made to help extract, edit and identify data from Dispel's game files.

App documentation

Available view forms

  • Image Analyzer
  • Extractors
    • ImageExtractor - extracts SPR files
    • SoundExtractor - extracts SNF files
    • StringExtractor - searches for strings in exec
    • MapImageExtractor - extracts sprites from inside of map files
    • AllExtractor - extracts images and sounds into grouped directories
  • Simple Editor - Opens most of files like ref or db (does not open ref files that are text files)
  • Map Viewer - Generates image of whole map
  • Patcher - Patches sprites by overwriting images (requires filenames from extraction)
  • Settings - Allows to set game directory and output directory for easier file selection especially for extracor.

Configuration file

App can read from configuration file. Structure of file is simple: Key [newline] Value. File should have name DisplelTools.config and be in same directory as DispelTools.exe.


  • GameRootDir - directory containing game's files
  • OutRootDir - directory where program can save files


