

Primary LanguagePython


Forked from https://github.com/onlytiancai/pyempty Set up as my start project template of Python program.


  1. ./ChangeLog.txt :变更历史/Change History
  2. ./LICENSE.txt :协议/License
  3. ./MANIFEST.in :文件清单,distutils默认只打包指定模块下的.py文件,其它的要在这里指定/File list, indicates necessary files which not specified in distutils
  4. ./README.md :项目介绍/Read me
  5. ./requirements.txt :项目需要依赖哪些模块/The modules needed by this project
  6. ./setup.py :安装文件/Setup file of this project
  7. ./docs/ :文档目录/Where you put documentations
  8. ./docs/analysis.model.md :概要设计文档/General design documents
  9. ./docs/design.model.md :详细设计文档/Specific design documents
  10. ./docs/maintain.md :维护文档/Maintain documents
  11. ./src/ :源码目录/Where you put your source code
  12. ./src/pyempty : 项目代码/Project source code
  13. ./src/pyempty/stuff :杂项文件,在setup.py里用package_data参数指定/Trivial files
  14. ./test/ :测试目录/Where you put unit tests
  15. ./test/run_all_test.sh :执行test目录下的所有单元测试/Execute all the unit tests under ./test/
  16. ./test/test_pyempty.py :测试示例/Test samples


  1. Python 打包指南
  2. 深入Python3.0:打包 Python 类库
  3. python打包:分发指定文件
  4. 深入python3.0: 单元测试
  5. Unit testing framework
  6. Python单元测试框架中文版
  7. Python自动单元测试框架