
Tagging plugin inspired on acts-as-taggable-on gem. https://hex.pm/packages/taglet

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Taglet allows you to manage tags associated to your records.

It also allows you to specify various contexts


  1. Add taglet to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:taglet, "~> 0.6.0"}]
  1. Configure Taglet to use your repo in config/config.exs:
# Options
# taggable_id - This field is default :integer, but you can set it as :uuid

config :taglet,
  repo: ApplicationName.Repo,
  taggable_id: :uuid
  1. Install your dependencies:

mix deps.get

  1. Generate the migrations:

mix taglet.install

  1. Run the migrations:

mix ecto.migrate

Include it in your models

Now, you can use the library in your models.

You should add the next line to your taggable model:

use Taglet.TagAs, :tag_context_name


defmodule Post do
  use Ecto.Schema
  use Taglet.TagAs, :tags
  use Taglet.TagAs, :categories

  import Ecto.Changeset

  schema "posts" do
    field :title, :string
    field :body, :boolean


  def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
    |> cast(params, [:title, :body])
    |> validate_required([:title])

As you can see, we have included two different contexts, tags and categories

Now we can use a set of metaprogrammed functions:

Post.add_category(struct, tag) - Passing a persisted struct will allow you to associate a new tag

Post.add_categories(struct, tags) - Passing a persisted struct will allow you to associate a new list of tags

Post.add_category(tag) - Add a Tag without associate it to a persisted struct, this allow you have tags availables in the context. Example using Post.categories

Post.remove_category(struct, tag) - Will allow you to remove the relation struct - tag, but the tag will persist.

Post.remove_category(tag) - Will allow you to remove a tag in the context Post - category. Tag and relations with Post will be deleted.

Post.rename_category(old_tag, new_tag) - Will allow you to rename the tag name.

Post.categories_list(struct) - List all associated tags with the given struct

Post.categories - List all associated tags with the module

Post.categories_queryable - Same as Post.categories but it returns a queryable instead of a list.

Post.tagged_with_category(tag) - Search for all resources tagged with the given tag

Post.tagged_with_categories(tags) - Search for all resources tagged with the given list tag

Post.tagged_with_query_category(queryable, tags) - Allow to concatenate ecto queries and return the query.

Post.tagged_with_query_categories(queryable, tags) - Same than previous function but allow to receive a list of tags

Working with functions

If you want you can use directly a set of functions to play with tags:






