Where To Go is a PyWeb based API to retrive the best places for stay at any user defined location
- Abhay Vishnu [https://github.com/reticent-roklimber]
- Vishnu M Warrier [https://github.com/warriervishnum]
[link to video]
The API collects relevant information from the user and retrive data using structred quries to the OpenAI GPT03- Text Davinci 003 Model.
PyWebIO - 1.7.1
OpenAI - 0.26.1
If you don’t have Python installed, install it from here
Clone this repository
Install Pip
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Add your API key to the config file
Install PyWebIO and OpenAI
$ pip3 install pywebio openai
Open the terminal
$ python3 main.py