ReTiCo Module for RASA NLU
- A proper incrementally trained model will require this version of RASA
- An example config.yml and domain for training can be found here.
- This video explains how to setup the environment, domain, and training.
from retico_rasanlu import RasaNLUModule
from retico_googleasr.googleasr import GoogleASR
asr = GoogleASR()
model_dir = 'models/nlu_20220519-154621'
nlu = RasaNLUModule(model_dir=model_dir, incremental=False)
title = "Rasa: Open Source Language Understanding and Dialogue Management",
author = "Bocklisch, Tom and Faulkner, Joey and Pawlowski, Nick and Nichol,
abstract = "We introduce a pair of tools, Rasa NLU and Rasa Core, which are
open source python libraries for building conversational
software. Their purpose is to make machine-learning based
dialogue management and language understanding accessible to
non-specialist software developers. In terms of design
philosophy, we aim for ease of use, and bootstrapping from
minimal (or no) initial training data. Both packages are
extensively documented and ship with a comprehensive suite of
tests. The code is available at",
journal = "Proceedings of the 31st Conference on Neural Information
Processing Systems",
year = 2017,
address = "Long Beach, CA"