
The general purpose library for analysing static, temporal and hypergraph networks.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Reticula Actions Status Documentations Paper

Reticula is a general-purpose complex network analysis tool, supporting static networks as well as hypergraphs, temporal networks. It allows you to study randomise networks, calculate static or temporal network reachability and form event graphs.

Reticula (singular: reticulum) is a word with Latin origin meaning networks or network-like (i.e., reticulate) structures.

Getting Started


The documentation is available at reticula.network


Reticula relies heavily on certain C++20 features, such as concepts and ranges. If you intend on using Reticula in your project, you need a compiler with decent support of C++20 features.

Including reticula in your CMake project

You can use FetchContent to include Reticula in your C++ project. For example:


  GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/reticula-network/reticula.git


If you want to fetch other content using CMake FetchContent module, you can include those in FetchContent_MakeAvailable call or call this function separately for each content.

Finally, link your target and Reticula like this:

target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE reticula)


Running the test suit

Clone the library:

$ git clone https://github.com/reticula-network/reticula.git

Compile and run the tests:

$ cd reticula
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build . --target reticula_tests
$ ./reticula_tests