
This terraform module creates an S3 bucket and a DynamoDB table to store and version your terraform statefiles

module "backend_s3" {
	source = "git::https://github.com/retornam/terraform-backend-s3.git?ref=main"
	environment = "production"
	region = "us-west-2"
	bucket = "example-bucket"
	dynamodb_name = "example-bucket-table"
	readcapacity = 2
	writecapacity = 2

Makefile Targets

Available targets:
help:                             help message
init:                             initialize the terraform workspace
apply:                            terraform apply
plan:                             terraform plan
plan-target:                      terraform plan with a specific target
plan-destroy:                     terraform plan destory
destroy:                          terraform destroy
destroy-target:                   terraform destroy


Name Description Type Default Required
environment prod/staging/ string null yes
bucket name of the bucket string null yes
dynamodb_name name of the dynamo db table string null yes
readcapacity the read capacity of the dynamodb table string null yes
writecapacity the write capacity of the dynamodb table string null yes


Name Description
bucket_arn The ARN of the bucket
bucket_domain_name The domain name of the bucket
bucket_regional_domain_name The regional domain name of the bucket
dynamodb_arn The ARN of the Dynamodb
dynamodb_id The name of thr Dynamodb
kms_arn The KMS key ARN \
kms_alias_arn The ARN of the KMS Key Alias
kms_key_id The KMS Key ID