
Alpha Vantage Examples and Scripts that I will use in YouTube videos

Primary LanguagePython


Alpha Vantage Examples and Scripts that I will use in YouTube videos. Feel free to check them out.

My YouTube to see the videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHs6RO1CSM85e8jIMmCySw

I left an API key in all these scripts so they would run out of the box. You'll need to get your own API key which can be found here: https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#api-key

1. Time Series Intraday

(Script provided by Alpha Vantage https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/ )

Returns data on the intraday timeseries of a stock specified by the symbol keyword arguement in the ts.get_intraday method.

Time Series png found in Example-Images

Multiple output formats, pandas was selected in this script, close prices of each minute plotted with matplotlib https://github.com/Derrick-Sherrill/alpha-vantage-examples/blob/master/timeseries_example.py

2. Simple Moving Average VS. Intraday Time Series

Combination of the technical indicators and time series API calls. Plotted against each other here:

Simple Moving Average Example

Simple moving average here being calculated by last 60 minutes. Adjust for own purposes.


3. Exponential Moving Average

Calculating the EMA over each minute, using the last 60 minutes for the calculation.

Exponential Moving Average


4. Stoichastic Oscillator

Please note the below script was used on a stock, not a security. Demonstration purposes only.

Stochastic Oscillator Example


5. Weighted Moving Average

Weighted moving average of Microsoft:

Weighted Moving Average


6. Relative Strength Index

RSI is a momentum indicator that that measures the magnitude of recent price changes to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions in the price of a stock or other asset.

Relative Strength Index


7. RSI vs Close prices

Plotting RSI against closing prices on the same graph, two y axis.

Relative Strength Index vs Close


8. SMA plotted with RSI (Two TI's)

Plotting two technical indicators on the same graph using twinx() in matplotlib

SMA vs RSI Example



https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/ Chen, James. “Relative Strength Index – RSI.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 10 June 2019, www.investopedia.com/terms/r/rsi.asp.