Script to manage multiple KUBECONF files.
Homebrew package manager:
$ brew tap retr0h/kubecctx
$ brew install kubecctx
Create a directory for each kubeconfig you wish to manage.
$ mkdir -p ~/.kube/contexts/eks-dev
$ cp config ~/.kube/contexts/eks-dev/config.yml
Switch to eks-dev environment.
$ kubecctx eks-dev
Switched to KUBECONFIG '/Users/john.dewey/.kube/contexts/eks-dev/config.yml'.
Best if used in conjuction with ❤️ kube-ps1 and kubectx ❤️.
Ideally kubectx will support multiple config files.
I've run into issues with HELM v2 when using a KUBECONFIG env containing multple
kubeconfig files (KUBECONFIG=file1:file2:....