
A Iot Bike system based on RaspberryPi, Arduino

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Cycle 's Kernel


---- A Iot Bike system based on RaspberryPi, Arduino

0x1 What is This?

Cyclic 's Kernel is an independent System With self-producing energy iot Web control, The system 's Energy Source came from a 12V6W Generater. Now, I will introduce those stuff to You Plan.pdf
Also, for a extra info, Lots of our code is based on lots of thoughts on internet

0x2 Basic plans

Our plan inclues that:

  • Generater
  • Clock(Shows Velocity&Time)
  • Controled turning light
  • Energy Store Device
  • Other IOT Devices


For our Generaters, We selected A 12V6WGenerater , So Far, The maximum of it is aboat 5~6V
But, We were not exclude That the generater can generate above 6V, So far, The generater 's voltage output had exceed our's minimum request.
We chose to install it on the wire of the tire It work pretty well, We can get 5~6v during a normal ride.


For ours SBC (single-board Computer) We select Raspberry Pi due to the high-functing & the Raspberry-based environment, I found a RaspberryPi 4B, By using Serial Port debugging, I sucessfuly install Respberry Linux kernel ,After Then, it was a boring time of debugging & installing....... Environment. Anyway We First tried to to a basic IO In/Out Circius by coding a Python script With RPi.GIPO, also be carful when setting the IO port for BMC

import RPi.GPIO as gpio
import time

p = 11

While True:

This script will First, it will set the pin finding mode to bmc,thenit will set the p (GPIO.11) pin to output mode, After That, Raspberry Pi is going to run the scrpit in the while loop Which is set the p to high, Wait for 1 seconds set the p to low. repeated and repeated.
btw, You can The IO pin setting by using gpio readall

# root @ raspberrypi in ~ [18:49:46] 
$ gpio readall
 +-----+-----+---------+------+---+---Pi 4B--+---+------+---------+-----+-----+
 | BCM | wPi |   Name  | Mode | V | Physical | V | Mode | Name    | wPi | BCM |
 |     |     |    3.3v |      |   |  1 || 2  |   |      | 5v      |     |     |
 |   2 |   8 |   SDA.1 | ALT0 | 1 |  3 || 4  |   |      | 5v      |     |     |
 |   3 |   9 |   SCL.1 | ALT0 | 1 |  5 || 6  |   |      | 0v      |     |     |
 |   4 |   7 | GPIO. 7 |   IN | 1 |  7 || 8  | 1 | ALT5 | TxD     | 15  | 14  |
 |     |     |      0v |      |   |  9 || 10 | 1 | ALT5 | RxD     | 16  | 15  |
 |  17 |   0 | GPIO. 0 |   IN | 0 | 11 || 12 | 0 | IN   | GPIO. 1 | 1   | 18  |
 |  27 |   2 | GPIO. 2 |   IN | 0 | 13 || 14 |   |      | 0v      |     |     |
 |  22 |   3 | GPIO. 3 |   IN | 0 | 15 || 16 | 0 | IN   | GPIO. 4 | 4   | 23  |
 |     |     |    3.3v |      |   | 17 || 18 | 0 | IN   | GPIO. 5 | 5   | 24  |
 |  10 |  12 |    MOSI |   IN | 0 | 19 || 20 |   |      | 0v      |     |     |
 |   9 |  13 |    MISO |   IN | 0 | 21 || 22 | 0 | IN   | GPIO. 6 | 6   | 25  |
 |  11 |  14 |    SCLK |   IN | 0 | 23 || 24 | 1 | IN   | CE0     | 10  | 8   |
 |     |     |      0v |      |   | 25 || 26 | 1 | IN   | CE1     | 11  | 7   |
 |   0 |  30 |   SDA.0 |   IN | 1 | 27 || 28 | 1 | IN   | SCL.0   | 31  | 1   |
 |   5 |  21 | GPIO.21 |   IN | 1 | 29 || 30 |   |      | 0v      |     |     |
 |   6 |  22 | GPIO.22 |   IN | 1 | 31 || 32 | 0 | IN   | GPIO.26 | 26  | 12  |
 |  13 |  23 | GPIO.23 |   IN | 0 | 33 || 34 |   |      | 0v      |     |     |
 |  19 |  24 | GPIO.24 |   IN | 0 | 35 || 36 | 0 | IN   | GPIO.27 | 27  | 16  |
 |  26 |  25 | GPIO.25 |   IN | 0 | 37 || 38 | 0 | OUT  | GPIO.28 | 28  | 20  |
 |     |     |      0v |      |   | 39 || 40 | 0 | IN   | GPIO.29 | 29  | 21  |
 | BCM | wPi |   Name  | Mode | V | Physical | V | Mode | Name    | wPi | BCM |
 +-----+-----+---------+------+---+---Pi 4B--+---+------+---------+-----+-----+

as We can see, The io pins are listed blow, thus, you can check the pins here and change the p config in the python script.
And now, The module used in The Cyclic 's Kernel Project will be introduced.



lcd1602 module is a python module based on internet resourses
First of all, LCD1602 is a LCD Which contain 16*2=32 Space to type,

Also, I will not expain How Send_data() & Send_command() Works, Because I don't Know How How does it work

Installed Functions:


def init_lcd():
        send_command(0x33) # Must initialize to 8-line mode at first
        send_command(0x32) # Then initialize to 4-line mode
        send_command(0x28) # 2 Lines & 5*7 dots
        send_command(0x0C) # Enable display without cursor
        send_command(0x01) # Clear Screen
        BUS.write_byte(LCD_ADDR ,0x08)
        return False
        return True

This function doesn't required any arguments, it just simply initial the LCD1602


def clear_lcd():
    send_command(0x01) # Clear Screen

This function will clean the LCD1602 's screen by calling send_data() function, basically it is just sendding a message to LCD1602.


def print_lcd(x, y, str):
    if x < 0:
        x = 0
    if x > 15:
        x = 15
    if y <0:
        y = 0
    if y > 1:
        y = 1
    # Move cursor
    addr = 0x80 + 0x40 * y + x
    for chr in str:

for This function, it requires 3 argruments which is x,y,str Which I will expain first:

  • X,The x coordinate That the str is "typing" to
  • y,The y coordinate That the str is "typing" to
  • Str,It is a String That you wanted to type on Screen, IT NEEDS TO BE LESS THAN 16 CHARACTERS

In The function, Raspberry Pi Will move The cursor To the specific place That you pointed, then it will try to send the character in the string by sending asciis.

First Try

print_lcd(0, 0, 'Hello, world!')

By using those function, You could See "Hello World" On the first line of the LCD1602

Combine With HeWeather API

Also, The With the LCD1602 Module, We can combine it with HeWeather API Easily, For register A HeWeather API account Online, You can just Reference Online Resources, and now, I will mainly phase in the Code we got for API calls.

import requests
import pprint
Key = "&key=" + ""          #input keys
CityName = ""
def Getcity(CityName):
    url_v2 = "https://geoapi.qweather.com/v2/city/lookup?location=" + CityName + Key
    CityArg =  requests.get(url_v2).json()['location'][0]
    return CityArg["id"]
def GetInfo(location):
    url = "https://devapi.qweather.com/v7/weather/now?" + Key + "&location=" + location
    return requests.get(url).json()

def RetWea():
    CityId = Getcity(CityName)
    return GetInfo(CityId)['now']['temp']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("It is: " + WeatherNow['now']['temp'] + " degree")

as we can see now, we are using Request Method in order to get the html output of the HeWeather 's APi server. in this Srcipt, you must edit The Key and CityName arguements so we can get positive infomations.
For Furthermore, I Will not Expain more, It is just a simple API Call , I think you are capable of understanding by your self.

8x8 Matrix Project

Max7219 is a set of LED Which Makes a 8x8 Matrix display screen, it is able to show anything but in a limit space
For the Matrix Project, We selected the Max7219 With the spi. You need to Connect the pins like below:

Name Function RPi Function
VCC 5V Connection 5V
GND Ground 0V/GND
CS Chip Select SPI CE0

Firstly, We needs to enable the spi method in Raspberry Pi by using sudo raspi-config. After configuration, You can use lsmod | grep -i spi and ls -l /dev/spi* to check the conect with the MAX7219, If you had a a Affirmative Responde on the terminal, That means we can move to the next step.

Manipulating MAX7219

We can controll MAX7219 By using https://github.com/rm-hull/luma.led_matrix respository. You can install the module by using python3 -m pip install,After cloning the respository into your host machine, you can check for the arguement by using python3 examples/matrix_demo.py -h.

$ python3 examples/matrix_demo.py -h
usage: matrix_demo.py [-h] [--cascaded CASCADED]
                      [--block-orientation {0, 90, -90}]

matrix_demo arguments

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--cascaded CASCADED, -n CASCADED
                      Number of cascaded MAX7219 LED matrices (default: 1)
--block-orientation {0, 90, -90}
                      Corrects block orientation when wired vertically
                      (default: 0)

you can test your Max7219 by run This Python script. This will display different symbol and character.

IOT Connections

If you had read our's iot_controll project carefully, you can find a part of code which is use to manipulating MAX7219.

def left():
    for x in range(10):
        for x in range(5):
            with canvas(device) as draw:
                text(draw, (0, 0), chr(27), fill="white")
    return render_template("main.html")
def right():
    for x in range(10):
        for x in range(4):
            with canvas(device) as draw:
                text(draw, (0, 0), chr(26), fill="white")
    return render_template("main.html")

def line():
    for x in range(10):
        for x in range(4):
            with canvas(device) as draw:
                text(draw, (0, 0), chr(24), fill="white")
    return render_template("main.html")

As we can see here, We are trying to output a symobols (technically a character.) by using ascii code, also, you can try to display any character you wanted by searching ascii chart.