
Library for parse and write ini files

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Latest Stable Version


Library for parsing and writing ini files.

Features provided over native PHP ini parser:

  • Throws exceptions instead of PHP errors.
  • Better type support.
  • Section inheritance.

NOTE: This parser does not allow orphan items (items defined outside a section).


Install the latest version with

$ composer require retrinko/ini

Basic usage

Reading ini contents:

NOTICE!!: Attention to .local.ini files. If you try to load a file named [whateverYouWants].ini and [whateverYouWants].local.ini file exists in the same path, the contents of the two files will be merged. If the same key is defined in both files, the one defined in [whateverYouWants].local.ini will override the value defined in [whateverYouWants].ini.

Ini file contents (sample.ini):

key1 = default value1
key2 = default value2

; A section inherits default section
[A : default]
key1 = A value1 ; overrides default section key1 item
key3 = A value3 ; add new item

; B section inherits A section
[B : A]
key1 = B value1 ; overrides A section key1 item
key3 = B value3 ; overrides A section key3 item
; Simple array
A[] = a
A[] = b
; Assoc. array
B[one] = 1
B[two] = 2
; Bool values
boolTrue = true
boolFalse = false
boolYes = yes
boolNo = no
boolOn = on
boolOff = off
boolNone = none
intVal = 3
floatVal = 5.7

PHP sample code for reading ini file (sample.ini):

use Retrinko\Ini\IniFile;

    // Load ini file
    $iniFile = IniFile::load((__DIR__ . '/sample.ini'));

    // Read "key1" value from "default" section
    $key1 = $iniFile->get('default', 'key1');
    // Read "key1" value from "A" section
    $key1 = $iniFile->get('A', 'key1');
    // Read "key1" value from "B" section
    $key1 = $iniFile->get('B', 'key1');
    // Read "boolYes" value from "B" section
    $boolYes = $iniFile->get('B', 'boolYes');
    // Get ini file contents as array
    $array = $iniFile->toArray();
catch (\Exception $e)
    printf('Exception! %s'.PHP_EOL, $e->getMessage());

Writing ini contents:

PHP sample code for writing ini file:

use Retrinko\Ini\IniFile;
use Retrinko\Ini\IniSection;

    // Create new IniFile instance
    $iniFile = new IniFile();

    // Create section "base"
    $section = new IniSection('base');
    // Add items to section "base"
    $section->set('hello', 'world');
    $section->set('colors', ['red', 'green']);
    $section->set('rgb', ['red'=>'AA0000', 'green'=>'00AA00']);
    $section->set('width', 25);
    $section->set('height', 50.33);
    $section->set('bool', true);
    $section->set('nullValue', null);
    // Add section "base" to ini file

    // Add child section "child"
    $childSection = new IniSection('child', $section);
    // Add items to section "child"
    $childSection->set('height', 20);
    $childSection->set('width', 20);
    // Add section "child" to ini file

    // Add item values to sections
    $iniFile->set('base', 'new-item', 'value');
    $iniFile->set('child', 'last-item', 'last');

    // Save to file

catch (\Exception $e)
    printf('Exception! %s'.PHP_EOL, $e->getMessage());