RetroGoLib is a Golang library designed to simplify the development of tools for retro consoles. It provides a set of functionalities that can be used to create tools for various retro consoles, like emulators and debugging tools, all while keeping dependencies to a minimum.
The GUI renderer supports SDL without the use of CGO/SDL2, which makes it easier to build and distribute.
- 6502
- Chip-8
- NES (Nintendo Entertainment System)
├─ app common application/service helpers
├─ arch/cpu/chip8 Chip-8 virtual CPU support
├─ arch/cpu/m6502 6502 CPU support
├─ arch/nes NES common types and helpers
├─ assert test assertion helpers
├─ buildinfo show version info that is embedded in the binary
├─ gui GUI support - SDL without need for CGO
├─ input hardware controller/keyboard helpers
├─ log fast and structured logging based on slog