
A Unity program to detect beats in audio using FFT's and variance. Based on https://www.parallelcube.com/2018/03/30/beat-detection-algorithm/

Primary LanguageC#

Beat Detection

This is a Unity program that attempts to find the beats present in an audio file using FFT's and variance. The main scene is BeatDetection and a utility scene Visualizer is present that can be used to see how the frequencies of given audio clip are distributed.

The logic for beat detection is a transformation of C++ code from https://www.parallelcube.com/2018/03/30/beat-detection-algorithm/ into C#.

The utility script is from this blog post by DimasTheDriver.


This project has been made using Unity 2018.3. Clone the repo and open the folder using Unity Hub.


The program saves the average values of all the frequencies and then creates a dynamic threshold which when crossed changes the color of the respective cube.

Current Progress

The color changes whenever the frequency crosses the dynamic threshold but the exact mapping of the frequencies to the numerical values set in script are to be explored.


  • Frequency window for different ranges (bass, mid, treble etc)
  • Realtime audio listening